Freedom of speech absolutist and new Twitter owner Elon Musk is making the right changes to the left leaning social media company.
“While Twitter had for many years been the safe bastion of left wing woke lunacy, racist BLM ideology, and crackpot Democrat socialist propaganda that will no longer be the case,” promises a source close to Musk.
Musk, a South African born and Canadian educated billionaire entrepreneur, recently pontificated: “Twitter will be forming a content moderation council with widely diverse viewpoints. No major content decisions or account reinstatements will happen before that council convenes.”.
Although the secretive council has yet to be announced, Get Woke Up! has received a confidential draft list of Twitter accounts that have already been flagged for misinformation and may soon be canceled. Although we can’t fully verify the authenticity of this list; however, in the words of Elon Musk, “Comedy is now legal on Twitter.”
Soon To Be Canceled For Misinformation
7. Nili Kaplan-Myrth

Still wearing a mask indoors and pushing for 4th COVID-19 boosters for children, Dr. Nili is set for a lifetime ban due to her excessive amount of insane mask pushing in Canada. Also, as a newly elected as a school board trustee in the socialist country, Musk’s council has decided it might be time to prescribe a time out for the woke pusher of ‘Jabapalooza.’
6. Pink News

The self-described world’s most read & watched LGBTQ+ digital media publisher Pink News is coming under fire from spaceman Musk. Under the old woke regime, Pink News had made outlandish claims that men can be women, men can get pregnant, and, ready for this, men can breastfeed. Musk, a cis white male, loves a good outrageous debate, but despite all that his new council will be keeping a close eye on this screwball comedy site.
5. BLM

In May 2020 after counterfeit entrepreneur George Floyd died, the world was exposed to the Black Lives Matter organization. The group organized ‘mostly peaceful protests’ in the form of mass riots, which included burning down cities, defunding the police, and pushing Critical Race Theory on kindergarten students. Musk, an African who identifies as white, is ready to call in his Twitter police to put the knee to CRT.
4. Jacinda Ardern

The now infamous horse face of the WEF Ardern’s greatest contribution to the world of misinformation according to Musk’s council was this totalitarian line: “We will continue to be your single source of truth,” and that, “Unless you hear it from us, it is not the truth.” As an encore to bringing in some of the world’s most draconian COVID-19 lockdown restrictions to New Zealand, Ardern went one crazy step further with her infamous left wing conspiracy theory speech at the UN. The horse faced, horse paste denialist proposed the government regulating free speech on the internet and labeling free speech as a ‘weapon of war.’
3. CDC

Masks don’t work, don’t bother using them. Masks do work, you must use them. Vaccines are 100% effective at stopping the pandemic of the unvaccinated. Vaccines don’t stop transmission and the unvaxxed carry the same viral load as the vaxxed. All this he said/ they/them said has Musk and his council asking if they were lying then or now and why we should believe them either way.
2. Joe Biden

“As I’ve said before, no one should be in jail just for using or possessing marijuana.” You know what else Biden said before? That anyone using or possessing marijuana should go to jail. In his 1994 ‘Tough on Crime’ Bill. Another thing he’s said before: “Where is everybody? They said there would be ice cream in this Presidency.” With 81 million votes and only 26 million Twitter followers, the new council is pretty confident that something isn’t adding up on Joe’s account.
1. Reuters Facts

Musk’s council is taking a page from Reuters Fact Check to do a Fact Check on Reuters. Is the source trustworthy? Based on their ‘fact checks’ on the efficacy of masks, Hunter Biden’s Laptop, and Russiagate the council has decided that the Reuters Facts account has been tweeting misinformation and fake news for years.