Alex Jones is gaming the New World Order in his new video game NWO Wars.
As the controversial host of the popular conspiracy theory talk show InfoWars, Jones has condensed his storied opposition to the powers that should not be into a fun to play and hilariously self referential 8-bit retro video game.
Available on PC, Mac, iOS, and Android via for $17.76, the game has already won the support of influential YouTubers such as Asmongold, and Clyde Do Something—who recently did a play though for his viewers.

Clyde tells GWU! that he found the game to perfectly capture the style and offbeat personality of its host, Alex Jones.
“I especially liked the self-deprecating humor of having his supplements as power ups and openly mocking that aspect of his show,” laughs Clyde.
In NWO Wars, our hero is a muscled up and maxed out version of Jones, as he blasts his way through conspiracy-themed levels. The goal is defeating the various evil globalist bosses who are hell bent on turning humanity into bug eating, pod-dwelling libtards.
Clyde describes the game as being similar to the classic Metal Slug games. “I’m a huge fan of the genre. It’s a classic run and gun style even down to the melee attacks.

NWO Wars first level has players blast away at evil zombie scientists trying to administer the deadly COVID vaccine. Be careful, though, if a player does the current thing and lets the experts give them the clotshot they’ll morph into a socialist gay frog.
Another level places the player in San Francisco where they have to kill zombified homeless people. Watch out for the radioactive hobo poo! The level’s final boss has put all the MAGA patriots in jail and resembles a nerd-like lizard tech boy, Mark Zuckerberg.

The game isn’t afraid to have fun with conspiracy tropes and the topics Jones has exposed over the years. They are all there. Everything from the government is listening to you through your TV to the Rothchilds worshiping Moloch on Epstein Island.
NWO Wars is full of Alex’s most memorable catch phrases including: ‘The moon landing wasn’t real’ ‘9/11 was an inside job’ and ‘Climate change is a hoax.’ Jones also randomly yells at enemies of freedom: ‘I’ll eat your ass!’ while riding an based looking centaur that looks like Joe Rogan.

“The chat absolutely loved it. I was expecting a large part of the audience to drop off when I started playing because it’s not my usual content, but most of them stuck around and joined in on the fun,” recalls Clyde.
While Truthers may enjoy the game for its uncensored over-the-top silliness, it has its usual detractors in the Internet Industrial Complex. The game has already had its ads pulled from YouTube and other social media. Overall, the game is pretty inoffensive and it’s hard to see what ‘terms of service’ it could be breaking. (You could barely tell Bill Gates was the Boss Jabber who wanted to lower the world’s population—ed)
Clyde theorizes that the censorship of the game is out of spite.
“There has been a real concerted effort to cancel Alex once and for all. Their issue is that he is just too likable. Yeah, he says some crazy sounding stuff, but how many times was he right?? It may be insane but people want to hear what Jones has to say,” argues Clyde. He continues with the proven fact that there is no canceling Alex Jones.
As a supporter of truth, freedom and mockery, GWU! may end up being one of the only publications brave enough to give an honest review of the game. As such we asked Clyde to add his personal back of the cartridge box summary to entice gamers to buy it.
“This game won’t help you escape reality like other games, it will help you escape the reality of what’s happening World Wide. Only $17.76 Alex Jones will End the New World Order!!”