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Are Babies being forced to reveal ‘sexual orientation’ and gender to state authorities?

Anti-pronoun parents speak out over woke madness that has no age limit

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A New Jersey hospital is having major birthing pains with its new policy requiring parents of newborn babies fill out a form detailing their child’s “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” However some parents are pushing back on the BLT+ alphabet agenda.

New mother Amber Stewart, who just returned home after giving birth to her son at a New Jersey hospital, tells America’s Number One Source of Newstainment, GWU! that she was shocked by the questions the hospital said she was required to fill out. 

“The form is part of a state-mandated questionnaire and it has tick boxes for parents to identify their baby as lesbian, gay, straight, bisexual, questioning, transgender, genderqueer, or ‘another gender’ whatever that means,” Stewart tells GWU! via MicroSoft Teams. “Why? How can a 2-day-old have a fully formed sexual identity?”

Gender Reveal Gone Mad

The woke world requirement stems from a 2022 state law (A4385/S2933) that forces hospitals to collect data on patients’ race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity—with no exceptions for age. The law, passed under the guise of promoting “cultural competence,” applies to all patients, including infants. 

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Republican State Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi, first blew the whistle on the insanity after the “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Questionnaire” from Inspira Health Hospital surfaced. “Medical providers, laboratories, and hospitals are being forced to provide the questionnaire below to NEWBORN patients,” Schepisi posted on Facebook. “While completely and utterly insane, these facilities are doing so to comply with another nonsensical law.”

Inspira Health spokesman Paul Simon defended the move, telling GWU! that the hospital is just following state law. “Inspira Health, along with every other acute care hospital in New Jersey, is required by New Jersey law and the State of New Jersey Department of Health to request their patients provide their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity,” Simon said.

Crib Notes

But Stewart isn’t buying it. “There is no law that can force me to participate in this ideological garbage. My baby was born a boy, is a boy and has the same hardware as my husband to prove it. He doesn’t need me to fill in a form to let the state know anything else.” 

Despite the hospital’s insistence to participate in the social experiment, Stewart politely but firmly informed her nurse that she was declining. “Our nurse was a real sweetheart, salt of earth type and smiled when I told her, quietly admitting to me that she wished more parents would say no as she wasn’t allowed to express her disgust with the policy.”

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Republican lawmaker Schepisi has vowed to introduce a new bill to rescind the “prime example of government overreach and woke ideology run amok.”

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