America's #1 Newstainment Source

Get Woke Up!

Weird Week in Woke Digest: October 27–November 2

Our Wokesperts™ are grimly reaping all the woke terrors and ready to prescribe you the secret to a long and happy life.

Breaking the Narrative: Unvaxxxed Sperm Is the New Bitcoin! 🐵

When a marketing rep in the adult film industry discovered the COVID vaccine was the reason she couldn’t get pregnant, the busty blue-eyed blonde knew she was screwed. Read the latest edition of Breaking the Narrative.

Weird Week in Woke Digest: September 15–21

Our Wokesperts™ are grimly reaping all the woke terrors and ready to prescribe you the secret to a long and happy life.

Haitian to Eat the Cats

Is emotional support presidential running mate Uncle Tim Walz ready to perform gender-affirming surgery on the White Boys for Walz? Find out on the Get Woke Up! podcast with special guest @worthitorwoke

Husband and Sons Still Obsessing About Being White boys for Kamala

Voter worries her family will vote orange instead of black after becoming 'white boys' for Kamala.