America's #1 Newstainment Source

Toby P. Gelman

From his home in Moscow, Ohio, syndicated newspaper columnist, podcaster, father of six, husband to Greta, and author of the Johnny Jock PI series, Toby P. Gelman fights for truth, justice, and the American way. #1776!

True Canadians Stand On Guard For Thee

I’m more toned off than a missing lyric in the Canadian national anthem over the way the so-called ‘liberal’ citizens are trashing the big...

Professor Amir Attaran Ain’t Going to be Teaching My Kids!

I’m more fired up than a cricket roasting over a Trudeau-style bug spit over the way the University of Pyongyang, formerly known as the...

Justin Trudeau Wishes Happy Fathers Day to … Fidel Castro !?!

Justin time for Fathers Day Woke Up! is delivering the news about Justin Trudeau's possible parentage. The long-running theory that Justin Trudeau is actually...

Cis White Males Need Not Apply

I’m more volatile than a Bitcoin expert working at Coinbase over the way the Woke are discriminating against white men. Why just the other day,...

Twitter’s Great Firewall of Censorship

I’m angrier than a teenage Uyghur sent to a ‘summer fun ‘re-education camp’ in Shanghai over the way Twitter is “clamping” down on free...