A new petition calling on Ottawa school board trustee Nili Kaplan-Myrth to resign is gaining momentum on Change.org after the original one, with more than 7,000 signatures, was removed by the woke online ‘platform for change.’
Matthew Beckstead, who spearheaded the new petition, goes to great lengths to temper the language of the first one, asking people leaving comments to “refrain from name calling, hate filled language, etc so as not to violate any terms of service and have the petition removed.” The non-binding petition makes a ‘request’ for the resignation of Trustee Kaplan-Myrth from the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) due to her ‘lack of decorum.’
It goes on to state that Kaplan-Myrth is in contravention of the OCDSB Code of Conduct sections 3.8, 3.9, 3.15, 3.17 and 3.18. “All these sections summed up, call for decorum, professionalism and respecting differing points of views from everyone involved.”
So far, the comments section features mostly spirited, but non-threatening agreement that the trustee was causing more division and anger by not listening to the voices of the people she represents—Ottawa parents—including parent Nick Morabito, who was censored by Kaplan-Myrth after he made, what she deemed, transphobic comments.
Transitional Crisis

Due to the controversy, international media such as the irreverent The New Flesh podcast have now picked up the story. One of the free thinking hosts of the top rated Australian program, Jon Astro, says there’s a serious debate to be had about these issues and in order to reach a fair solution people need to say their piece.
“We’re a long way off that because people like these parents in Ottawa are at the mercy of self-righteous gatekeepers who can just kill the mic when they hear something they don’t like,” laments Astro.
Lacking any sense of introspection, Kaplan-Myrth lashed out on social media about the original petition: “Let the haters hate. I will not resign. I will continue to stand up against transphobia, homophobia, racism, antisemitism, misogyny, and ableism — principles of social justice that are absolutely in keeping with my promise to those who voted for me,” she said.
In fact, the OCDSB, which many on social media compare to using the same tyrannical tactics as 1930s Germany, went so far as to release a statement last week on Kaplan-Myrth’s behalf, defending her actions and doubling down on the hysterical trustees disrespect for parents.
During a March 7 board meeting, the mask obsessed self-appointed defender of the downtrodden was acting as chair of the board when she muted Morabito’s microphone when he questioned the use of washrooms by transgender students, saying he had concerns about the safety of his 12-year-old daughter.
Morabito, a father of four, had signed up to speak to the trustees, saying he wanted to address them about helping to “defuse conflict and bullying.”
Kaplan-Myrth censored him 30-seconds into his allotted four minutes and called for a recess, citing his ‘transphobia’. Parents in attendance were vocally unhappy with the decision, but entirely peaceful. Being ‘Ottawhaaaa’, police were immediately called by board members, but arrived after the group had cordially departed the undemocratically shutdown meeting.
“Using the Police as a cudgel to silence these parents is chilling and it won’t work at all. It will just piss everyone off and convince them that the game is being rigged,” warns Astro.
The petition also cites Kaplan-Myrth’s dogged obsession with masking and any issue that she disagrees with.
“Trustee Kaplan-Myrth has demonstrated time and again that she is not willing to listen to opposition to any motion or policy she supports or disapproves of. During the conversation to reinstate masks she was belligerent with a radio host and dismissed those at meetings that voiced opposition regardless of how factual or inaccurate their arguments were.”
The new petition, which collected thousands of signatures in only 24 hours, is generating even more interest on social media. Kaplan-Myrth has already commented on it from her Twitter account. The same account that the masked doctor briefly shutdown after a scathing GWU! profile of her in February.
Despite being labeled a ‘transphobe’ by Kaplain-Myrth the OCDSB has agreed to allow Morabito to speak at the next meeting, which is on Tuesday, March 28. Despite the good news, a massive protest is being organized by a far left extremist group called Horizon Ottawa to “Stand Up for Trans Kids.” (Whatever the hell that means!!!—ed)
“The language they use is creepy,” shivers Aussie podcaster Astro. “It’s Dehumanising and full of therapeutic buzzwords but their biggest crime is the belief that they should not have to defend their ideas or, heaven forbid, win over hearts and minds. They simply smirk (behind a pristine N95 mask) and like a campy Bond villain press a button to summon the heavies. Let’s speak plainly—if you won’t debate your opponent you are a total pussy. I said it.”