America's #1 Newstainment Source

Bam! In Your Face!

Trudeau Bombs on Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Check da Facts! Did Stephen Colbert want to cancel Justin Trudeau?

NPC Game of Life GWU! Character Guide

NPC game of life character guide: Decoding the 12 levels of non-player characters.

Colonizer Clothing Line Settles Complex Issue of White Privilege, says White Chick

Colonizer clothing: How do you solve hundreds of years of genocide and oppression? Buy a T-shirt!!!

Campus Cop Exposes Naked Truth about Gaza University Protests!

Sex, lies, videotape: Campus cop exposes the naked truth about Gaza University Protests!

A GWU! (Student) Guide to Avoiding Gaza Protests  

Three brave university students lecture how to push back on their protesting peers intifada on education.

Elmo Canceled After Monster Meltdown on Live TV!

Larry David strangled Elmo on NBC's Today Show after the puppet advocated for mental health and vaccinations, sparking controversy.

Say: ‘I Love you’, with a Donald Trump Valentine’s Day Card

Say: ‘I Love you’, with a Donald Trump Valentine’s Day card: “It’s going to be the biggest Valentine's Day ever with these amazing cards. Believe me ladies, it’s going to be absolutely tremendously enormous.” - Donald J. Trump.

TV Networks panic to rush garbage woke shows to screens

TV networks panic to rush garbage woke shows to screens: Classic sitcoms get woke rejig after writers’ strike.

7 Anne of Green Gables Novels Going Woke!

With the news of the historic Anne of Green Gables tourist site in Prince Edward Island, Canada, going woke to satisfy the demands of...

Translating Algospeak

Boomer Vic Vople kept getting kicked off social media for sharing his self-described ‘based’ political/fitness views. TikTok, Instagram and even Facebook were all digital...

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