America's #1 Newstainment Source

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‘Lazy Girl’ Job Now Identifies As He/Him ‘Lazy Boy’

William Bossy, once fired for refusing a vaccine, embraced "lazy girl jobs" for work-life balance, starting the trend "Bros. Before Workplace-Clothes."

Transplanting New Roots After “Anti-Trans” law in Canada

Letter to the Editor Dear Karen and Kevin, We’re a BIPOC+LGBTQIA+ family living in Calgary, Canada. Not sure if you heard the news, but the government...

TV Networks panic to rush garbage woke shows to screens

TV networks panic to rush garbage woke shows to screens: Classic sitcoms get woke rejig after writers’ strike.

The Get Woke Up! January 2024 Newsletter

There’s been a lot of negativity surrounding the implementation of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policies lately, particularly in regards to LGBTQIA+ airlines like Virgin...

7 Anne of Green Gables Novels Going Woke!

With the news of the historic Anne of Green Gables tourist site in Prince Edward Island, Canada, going woke to satisfy the demands of...

Does Canada Trump Looming American Dictatorship?

Letter to the Editor Dear Karen and Kevin, The recent wins by Trump in the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire has me and my husband (trans/gay/BIPOC...

Dictator Trudeau Hides While Anne of Green Gables Goes Dark

This is CJ Byner checking in to Check da facts! With all the mis and dis information online it can be hard to distinguish the...

I Am Willing to Die for More DEI

There’s been a lot of negativity surrounding the implementation of DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) policies lately, particularly in regards to LGBTQIA+ airlines like...

WEF Round Up: Yemen in Women’s Sports and COVID Cold Shoulders!

What is a woman, the Red Sea, and COVID were final day topics at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Thank Klaus that I...

Mexican Migrants Who Dug NYC Jewish Tunnels Break Their Silence

Jew got to be kidding me: Illegal Mexican laborers behind the secret labyrinth of tunnels under a New York City synagogue are breaking their silence over their part in what the media have dubbed, ‘Rabbiholes’.

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