Conspiracy Fact

My Handyman’s Wastewater Tastes like COVID!!

Y’all know I would never break social distancing unless it was absolutely essential, like attending a mostly peaceful pro-Hamas protest. So it goes without...

Alex Jones NWO Wars Video Game Plays to Win

Alex Jones is gaming the New World Order in his new video game NWO Wars. As the controversial host of the popular conspiracy theory talk...

Letter to the American People by Osama bin Laden

Despite the heavy censorship online by the Internet Industrial Complex, GWU! has decided to publish the explosive content of Osama bin Laden’s Letter to...

Celebrity Demonology: Which demon has possession of who?

The Devil is in the details as to the secret of these celebs' success. Literally! According to Occult scholar Dr. William Van many of...

Friend of Matthew Perry Takes Jab at Egomaniac Justin Trudeau

Actor Matthew Perry was not friends with Justin Trudeau, an insider gossips to GWU!  Despite the Canadian PMs claiming that they were BFFs, it’s a...

Why Won’t They Just Let COVID Go?

The alt-right are literally obsessed with COVID. You can see it on Twitter (if Elongated Muskrat won’t respect pronouns then I’ll deadname his dying...

Humourist Derek Smith Exposes Woke Groomers in his Newest Book

Not content to just honk, honk at Justin Trudeau for stealing freedom, author Derek Smith is giving a dress down to groomers in his...

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