America's #1 Newstainment Source

Fighting The Culture Bores

What’s Really Happening Inside the Gaza Encampment Protests?

Johnny Jock drops truth bombs from behind the fence of the People’s Circle for Palestine encampment at U of T!

A GWU! (Student) Guide to Avoiding Gaza Protests  

Three brave university students lecture how to push back on their protesting peers intifada on education.

Air Canada Survivor: “Chief Woodhouse’s Antics Put Our Lives in Danger!!!”

Tomahawk-sized Indigenous air rage: Chief Woodhouse’s antics put our lives in danger!!!

Woke Pioneer Museum Transitions from Ancestral Deadname: ‘Pioneer’

Canada's Black Creek Pioneer Village drops ‘pioneer’ from name to boost Indigenous, Black, and BLT++ voices. 

Israeli a Happy Meal for Foreign War(s) Eating America’s Lunch

Could MacDonalds bring peace to the Middle East, one happy meal at a time?

Can you spot a Link: Leftist Ideology, No Kids?

LINKS are the new DINKS. A modern breed of Yuppie couples who identify as Leftist Ideology, No Kids.

How to Spot a Dual Income No Kids Couple: A GWU! DINK Guide

Clout chasing young couples on social media have rebooted the 1980s trend of being a DINK: Dual Income, No Kids.

JK Rowling Breaks the Spell of Scottish Governments Transgender Fantasy Law

Author JK Rowling has transgender wand duel with Scottish law and wins.

Hi-Rez The Rapper Does Extreme Truth Fact Check on America

Safe and Effective uncensored interview with musical truth extremist Hi-Rez.

Head Librarian Shushed out of Circulation by Woke Mob

Librarian discarded by woke mob for daring to stand up for freedom to read.

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