America's #1 Newstainment Source

Fighting The Culture Bores

LGBTQ gang commits state-sanctioned shakedown of mayor

Small town Canadian mayor has bank account garnished for not paying the LGBTQ mafia.

Joe Biden’s insane last-minute preemptive pardon list

Joe Biden’s insane last-minute preemptive pardon list: I beg your pardon? Is Biden considering clemency for these criminals!?!

Obituary: The Mainstream Media (1920–2024)

GWU! remembers and spits on the grave of the mainstream media which recently died a long, slow and deservedly painful death.

Trudeau shakes off terrorism while partying at Taylor Swift concert

Teenybopper Trudeau was caught shaking it off at a Taylor Swift concert while Montreal was being invaded by Hamas protestors.

Trudeau Bombs on Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Check da Facts! Did Stephen Colbert want to cancel Justin Trudeau?

Paris Olympics Are Punch Drunk Over DEI

Irish professor tells GWU! that biological man Imane Khelif should not be allowed to knock around innocent women. Shame on the Olympics!

Experts Agree: RFK Jr. Won the CNN Presidential Debate

While 50 million watched Joe slide a Biden on stage, the real Debate winner was RFK Jr. It’s time to Check da Facts!

NPC Game of Life GWU! Character Guide

NPC game of life character guide: Decoding the 12 levels of non-player characters.

Uncle Hack of Danger Cats Explains How to Cancel a Comic

The Danger Cats comedy troupe; Uncle Hack, Sam Walker and Brett Forte have been banned, canceled and smeared for their outrageous oil patch humor.

What’s the Deal with Dying on Stage Suddenly!!! Amirite?

Check da Facts! Has Rob Schneider has been canceled in Canada? Did a crossdressing crossing guard give weed to wiener kids and is the the PSA about TDS real or parody?

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