America's #1 Newstainment Source

Fighting The Culture Bores

Trump Threatens to Imprison Political Enemies

Celebrities, politicians, and dissidents may be finding a new home behind bars once Donald Trump takes back his country!

Colonizer Clothing Line Settles Complex Issue of White Privilege, says White Chick

Colonizer clothing: How do you solve hundreds of years of genocide and oppression? Buy a T-shirt!!!

How I Lost 30 lbs with the Gaza Hunger Strike Diet! 

Pro-Palestine protestors declare an intifada on their Gaza Gut with trending starvation diet solution.

Campus Cop Exposes Naked Truth about Gaza University Protests!

Sex, lies, videotape: Campus cop exposes the naked truth about Gaza University Protests!

Alex Jones Could Beat Justin Trudeau in next election: Poll 

New poll shows Infowars host Alex Jones more popular than Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

What’s Really Happening Inside the Gaza Encampment Protests?

Johnny Jock drops truth bombs from behind the fence of the People’s Circle for Palestine encampment at U of T!

A GWU! (Student) Guide to Avoiding Gaza Protests  

Three brave university students lecture how to push back on their protesting peers intifada on education.

Air Canada Survivor: “Chief Woodhouse’s Antics Put Our Lives in Danger!!!”

Tomahawk-sized Indigenous air rage: Chief Woodhouse’s antics put our lives in danger!!!

Woke Pioneer Museum Transitions from Ancestral Deadname: ‘Pioneer’

Canada's Black Creek Pioneer Village drops ‘pioneer’ from name to boost Indigenous, Black, and BLT++ voices. 

Israeli a Happy Meal for Foreign War(s) Eating America’s Lunch

Could MacDonalds bring peace to the Middle East, one happy meal at a time?

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