Sandra & Debbie, vaccinated and single, lie about their vax status to date anti-vax men. Women like them are boosting dating sites like Unjected, with serious side effects!!!
Worcester declares itself a "trans sanctuary," barring out-of-state access to gender-transition data and defying federal policies. Critics call it a woke stunt, while supporters hail it as a stand for BLT+ rights.
The CDC’s K-12 educational materials, including the graphic novel Operation Outbreak, are under fire for promoting fear, compliance, and vaccination while ignoring holistic health.
With Taylor Swift’s Eras tour landing in Toronto and Vancouver for the next five weeks, doctors are warning parents about a new medical risk that could affect their teenage daughters called Swiftnesia.
Holy Jesus! The planets are aligning: The rare phenomenon of 4 planets lining up had both Christians and Jews wondering if Jesus or the (real?) Messiah would choose April 8 to return to rule the Earth.