America's #1 Newstainment Source

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Injecting GMOs and pesticides into Right VS Left Ideology

In recent years “liberals” and “conservatives” have been sent into an ideological tailspin over the issue of GMOs and pesticides in food.

CDC COVID-19 Changes has NY Doctor Regretting Pandemic Protocols

“I was wrong about everything,” admits one regretful doctor after the CDC confirmed that the so-called pandemic was all a big farce. 

The Seven Horsemen of the UK Pharmaceutical Apocalypse

Seven UK ministers have requested an analysis of deaths of vaccinated and unvaccinated to decide if mRNA injections are "safe and effective."

How to Fight Student Vaccine Mandates

Don’t let your child be a victim of the BigPharma focused healthcare system. Fight back and exempt them from the school vaccine mandates!

The War on Children Is a Real Food Fight

In the War on Children one mother testifies that she knew her daughter was "trans" because she liked to eat green veggies!

Dumbass Dundas Square Name Change 

Dundas Square, one of Toronto’s most recognizable landmarks, is being erased—literally—by the city's left-leaning council under the dictate of its socialist mayor, Chairman Chow.The...

My Handyman’s Wastewater Tastes like COVID!!

Y’all know I would never break social distancing unless it was absolutely essential, like attending a mostly peaceful pro-Hamas protest. So it goes without...

Quiz: How Pandemic 2.0 Defiant Are You?

You made it though the most sophisticated psyop in human history, but do you have what it takes to get through the upcoming WEF...

Why Won’t They Just Let COVID Go?

The alt-right are literally obsessed with COVID. You can see it on Twitter (if Elongated Muskrat won’t respect pronouns then I’ll deadname his dying...

How to Spot a Grifter Website: A GWU! Guide

Experts are continually warning that dangerous websites dedicated to disinformation, misleading stories, and conspiracy theories are leaving people confused about what to believe. Thankfully,...

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