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Damar Hamlin’s Heart Attack Could’ve Been Avoided

Dr. Peter McCullough and other medical experts are pleading with health organizations around the globe to take the experimental COVID-19 vaccine side effects seriously,...

Rita Hayworth and Toby Gelman’s Unvaccinated Redemption

I’m more busted up than Rita Hayworth hanging on the wall of a dirty prison cell over the way me and my unvaccinated pals...

Where’s My Pandemic Amnesty, You Anti-Vax Plebs?

As I sashayed around my bedroom transitioning for a New Year’s Eve night out with some friends that I hadn’t seen since the start...

Canadian Fashion House Exploits Suicide in New TV Ad

High-end fashion retailer La Maison Simons is using its advertising to promote euthanasia in the guise of art, leaving customers and critics fuming over...

Christmas Is Cancelled, Says Grinch Judge

Terrace, BC, is the latest casualty in the war on Christmas that is raging in cities around the world. The rural town, located north...

Even if It Takes Four Years To Count the Midterm Election Votes – That’s Okay!

After the “Red Wave” of the 2022 midterms turned out to be more of a well-hidden period stain, conspiracy theorists and MAGA Republicunts were...

Mask Mandate Mocked by University Students 

Kamil Bachouchi, a fourth year student at Wilfrid Laurier University, has worn ziplock bags, buckets and even exotic fruit as a way to both...

5 Vaccine Side Effects That Are Totally Fake News

In the wake of the brilliant and thought-provoking Atlantic article by Emily Oster declaring a “Pandemic Amnesty,” I felt compelled to dust the crumbs...

Vaccinated Wage War on Unvaxxed Over Factual Dating Article

The mindless vaccinated are waging war again and this time they’re going after start-up dating sites like UnJected and UnVeed that are helping the...

7 of the Biggest Spreaders of Misinformation that Elon Musk Vows to Cancel

Freedom of speech absolutist and new Twitter owner Elon Musk is making the right changes to the left leaning social media company.  “While Twitter had...

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