America's #1 Newstainment Source


Six Deadly Signs Your Child Is Being Indoctrinated by the Pride Agenda

A GWU! guide to saving the children from being indoctrinated by the Pride Agenda.

Is the Road to Hell Paved with Gay Intentions? Check da Facts!

Is the road to Hell paved with gay intentions: Rainbow murals go to pot over Pride Month.

How the WEF is in Bed with Your Metaverse Enslavement

AI hallucinations refers to the strange phenomena where artificial intelligence produces bizarre outputs.

Colonizer Clothing Line Settles Complex Issue of White Privilege, says White Chick

Colonizer clothing: How do you solve hundreds of years of genocide and oppression? Buy a T-shirt!!!

How I Lost 30 lbs with the Gaza Hunger Strike Diet! 

Pro-Palestine protestors declare an intifada on their Gaza Gut with trending starvation diet solution.

Campus Cop Exposes Naked Truth about Gaza University Protests!

Sex, lies, videotape: Campus cop exposes the naked truth about Gaza University Protests!

Alex Jones Could Beat Justin Trudeau in next election: Poll 

New poll shows Infowars host Alex Jones more popular than Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Injecting GMOs and pesticides into Right VS Left Ideology

In recent years “liberals” and “conservatives” have been sent into an ideological tailspin over the issue of GMOs and pesticides in food.

The Seven Horsemen of the UK Pharmaceutical Apocalypse

Seven UK ministers have requested an analysis of deaths of vaccinated and unvaccinated to decide if mRNA injections are "safe and effective."

CBDCs: What GWU Need to Know About the Dangers of Digital Money

Governments around the world are conspiring to control your money through their new Central Bank Digital Currencies. The new world digital dollar order will...

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