America's #1 Newstainment Source


Trial Balloon Over COVID

Mad Dug and Anthony are entering Trudeau’s airspace at warp speed (take that NORAD!) in their intergalactic out-of-this-world podcast. Join the two illegal aliens...

On the Fringe With Satirical Writer Derek Smith

Unacceptable Fringe satirical writer Derek Smith joins Mad Dug and Anthony to discuss his latest Top 10 selling book, One Face, Two Face, Black Face, Blue Face.

Ernest Goes to Summer ReEducation Camp

The endless summer is ending on a high note as rejected Porky’s counsellors Mad Dug and Anthony get schooled at reeducation camp Woke-A-CurrentThing-A-Wiki on...

Transplaining the TERF About Women

Mad Dug and Anthony go Depp on the gender identity ideology issues that need to be Heard with women's sex-based rights advocate Amy Hamm.

Russian to Close Down COVID Theatre

Mad Dug and Anthony are ready to stand, slap and jab their way to laughs in their latest, and greatest (Hello, Will Smith as...

This Justin: Your CRT Is Broken News

Mad Dug and Anthony have removed their freedom muzzles and pity the fool who's worried about the next so-called BA variant. Get ready for a...

Ambassadors for Freedom on the Road to Rebellion

As the horns of freedom ring throughout the Great White North, join the fearless (and clueless) freedom fighters Mad Dug and Anthony as they hit the...

Dr. Strangevax or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Jab

Mad Dug and Anthony are launching uncontrollable truth bombs on “Fringe Minority” public enemy number one Justin “my kid gave me COVID and my dog ate the...

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