America's #1 Newstainment Source

Radical Gender Idiotology

What’s the Deal with Dying on Stage Suddenly!!! Amirite?

Check da Facts! Has Rob Schneider has been canceled in Canada? Did a crossdressing crossing guard give weed to wiener kids and is the the PSA about TDS real or parody?

Woke Pioneer Museum Transitions from Ancestral Deadname: ‘Pioneer’

Canada's Black Creek Pioneer Village drops ‘pioneer’ from name to boost Indigenous, Black, and BLT++ voices. 

JK Rowling Breaks the Spell of Scottish Governments Transgender Fantasy Law

Author JK Rowling has transgender wand duel with Scottish law and wins.

Free Speech Fails Canadian Teachers with 1984 Lesson

A woke union boss is warning teachers they could be disciplined for exercising their freedom of speech. according to a leaked memo.

The War on Children Is a Real Food Fight

In the War on Children one mother testifies that she knew her daughter was "trans" because she liked to eat green veggies!

Friends, The Office and Seinfeld Getting Woke Makeovers

Entertainment insiders are discovering that TV shows popular 20 years ago are not aging well in today’s insane diversity, equity, and inclusion entertainment climate. 

Top 10 Signs Jon Stewart Is Past his Prime Time

With super woke Jon Stewart’s return to “The Daily Show” as a once-a-week host, critics and viewers are wondering if he’s going to turn...

Taylor Swift’s Top 6 PsyOp Hits!

Former CIA operative Willis Coleman claims Taylor Swift is used by the government and big business to influence public opinion.

Transplanting New Roots After “Anti-Trans” law in Canada

Letter to the Editor Dear Karen and Kevin, We’re a BIPOC+LGBTQIA+ family living in Calgary, Canada. Not sure if you heard the news, but the government...

TV Networks panic to rush garbage woke shows to screens

TV networks panic to rush garbage woke shows to screens: Classic sitcoms get woke rejig after writers’ strike.

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