America's #1 Newstainment Source

That's Bananas!

Top Ten Most Canceled Halloween Costumes

Get Woke Up! to the Top Ten creepiest canceled Halloween costumes that you should definitely dress up as this year!

Vegans Have A Bigger Carbon Footprint Than They Think

With COVID-19 over and Russia taking control of Ukraine, shrinking your carbon footprint has become the next current thing. But before you begin measuring...

Cancelling Thanksgiving and Other Colonial Holidays

I’m madder than a dirty bird in need of a clean over the way the woke are washing us of our days of significance,...

A GWU! Guide to All 72 Genders

Remember when you were at the department store as a kid shopping for clothes with your mom? There were only two aisles, men and...

Who Will Replace President Joe Biden?

Just over half way through his term Joe Biden is racking up an impressive list—of reasons to be replaced! Already no spring chicken at...

Queen Elizabeth II Wanted Meghan to Succeed

The Queen of England is dead and her eldest son Charles has taken the throne as King. Um, blatant nepotism aside, can I just...

Remake of Robin Hood Updated with BIPOC Cast

A modern day take on the heroic children’s story Robin Hood and His Band of Merry Men will be the latest victim of woke...

Disney+ She-Hulk A Smash Hit with Marvel Fans 

The latest Disney+ series set in the MCU verse, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is sadly getting review-bombed by manbaby misogynists and alt-right bigots acting...

10 Woke CBC TV Shows Cancelled Before Filming

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) is rumoured to have some mega woke insane TV shows in active development due to rushed diversity and inclusion...

CBC’s 10 Secret Woke Fall TV Shows Leaked

With the recent mandate for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to increase its diversity programming by 30% this fall, the state-funded media corporation is scrambling...

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