America's #1 Newstainment Source

That's Bananas!

Will A&W Go Woke?

Fast food restaurant A&W, known for its wholesome small town charm and loveable ‘Burger Family’ is struggling in a post-Covid, recession economy. The 103-year-old...

Quiz: How Little Do You Trust the Mainstream Media?

You know that all the news that’s fit to print is just a cog in the never-ending government-funded propaganda machine. From local news to...

Alex Jones NWO Wars Video Game Plays to Win

Alex Jones is gaming the New World Order in his new video game NWO Wars. As the controversial host of the popular conspiracy theory talk...

Osama bin Laden Creates a Content Masterpiece for TikTokers!

Remember Osama bin Laden? The same one who was totally 'killed' by Obama back in 2011. Well, Osama, a former employee of the CIA...

Celebrity Demonology: Which demon has possession of who?

The Devil is in the details as to the secret of these celebs' success. Literally! According to Occult scholar Dr. William Van many of the successful movers and shakers in entertainment, business and politics are covertly in league or cahoots with powerful demons.  

Tradwife Estee C. Williams Tell All

Estee C. Williams, 25, has the secret recipe for how to be a perfect wife and according to the popular social media star it’s...

Why Gen Z Will Never Agree to be Drafted for WW3

There’s a ton of scary talk right now about there being a draft if World War III starts. Thankfully, there’s a lot of pushback...

Am I Supposed to Stand with Israel or Lay with Mia Khalifa? Asks Boomer

Picture it: October 7, 1988, the day before the season four premiere of NBC’s chart topping comedy, The Golden Girls. I was a ghost...

Mother of 3 Canceled by Alt-Left Hairdresser 

Political candidate Michelle Lindsay got more than she bargained—or rather barbered—for after attending the 1 Million March 4 Children, when she was canceled by...

Parent Throws the Book at Woke Canadian Schools

With the contentious issue of gender ideology and woke indoctrination flaming up in schools since the beginning of the 2023–24 school year, it's time...

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