Opinion – Toby's Right

Cancelling Thanksgiving and Other Colonial Holidays

I’m madder than a dirty bird in need of a clean over the way the woke are washing us of our days of significance,...

It’s Time to Rewrite the Woke Story

I’m more confused than a prosthetic breast resting on the chest of male woodworking teacher Kyla Lemieux about the way the woke are saying...

Can Pierre Poilievre Scrub Clean Our Brainwashed Left?

I’m more spun out than a UFO crash landing in a Nevada desert over the way the woke left have become brainwashed by Prime...

Which Way Does Harry Styles Swing?

I’m more puffed up than a fall sweater in a closet full of moths over the way the mainstream media and their followers are...

Why Go Grey If You Don’t Have To?

I’m more irritated than an ingrown hair on a wooly mammoth over the recent ageism campaign by the woke left. Why just the other day...

Ogling Back to the Future

I’m more outraged than my brother-in-law Joey getting denied parole—again—over the way the woke left are trying to turn back our future. Why just the...

European Vacation Lampooned By Wokeness

I’m madder than Boris Johnson being cut off at a COVID Cargo Container speakeasy over the way the Woke Army continues to wage war on...

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