America's #1 Newstainment Source

Totalitarian Creep

The Government MAiD Me Kill Myself

Thanks to government messaging around COVID-19, Tracey Thompson wants to die.  Thompson, a 50-year-old living in Toronto, says “Long Covid” and a lack of adequate...

European Vacation Lampooned By Wokeness

I’m madder than Boris Johnson being cut off at a COVID Cargo Container speakeasy over the way the Woke Army continues to wage war on...

How The Prime Minister Stole Freedom 

The last two years to flatten the curve of freedom has been anything but funny; however, a new children’s parody book by Calgary-based writer...

True Canadians Stand On Guard For Thee

I’m more toned off than a missing lyric in the Canadian national anthem over the way the so-called ‘liberal’ citizens are trashing the big...

Woke Up! Wednesday Mad Dug and Anthony have removed their freedom muzzles and pity the fool who's worried about the next so-called BA variant. Get ready for...

Trudeau Loses. Truckers for Freedom Win!

The Trudeau government has surrendered to the horns of freedom. Months after the historic Freedom Convoy Protest against vaccine mandates began, the government has...

Bob Moran’s Freedom Cartoons Get Woke Up

Political cartoonist Bob Moran’s satirical illustrations may be among the most circulated and censored freedom art in the world. You’ve likely seen his controversial...

Coming Soon – Mad Dug and Anthony Star in ‘The Incurable But Surprisingly Mild Virus’ – Covid 19

It’s an epic adventure in healthy eating, exercise and vitamins as DJ's Mad Dug and Anthony discover a cure for 'The Virus'.

Canada’s 10 Most Hated Politicians (6-10)

You’ll be surprised who made the list! Public trust of politicians in Canada is at an all-time low according to a recent Twitter survey. After...

The Phantom of the Honk! Honk!! In this episode of Bot Theater with Karen and Kevin, the whitest couple from the whitest suburb of anywhere Canada, discuss the Truckers for Freedom 2022...

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