Weird Science

A GWU! Guide to Identifying Joe Biden’s Clones

It’s no state secret that there may be multiple clones of President Joe Biden (at Sleepy Joe’s age he needs all the help he...

Why Won’t They Just Let COVID Go?

The alt-right are literally obsessed with COVID. You can see it on Twitter (if Elongated Muskrat won’t respect pronouns then I’ll deadname his dying...

Novelist John C.A. Manley Rewrites the COVID Narrative in Much Ado About Corona

While most of the world spent three years trying to flatten a two week curve, got spooked out on TV news infographics, took medical...

The Great Awakening ‘Documentary’ is Alt-Right, Qanon Flimflammery

Before I give you my completely unbiased and impartial review on the alt-right propaganda piece ‘The Great Awakening’, I’d like to say sorry, not...

Vaccinated Passed Over for Promotion by Employers

Mary Turlane did everything right during the pandemic. She stayed home to stay safe, she masked up and, most importantly, she got vaccinated. And...

Mother’s Day Canceled at School by Woke Adults

Students from a Toronto, Canada, school are shocked and angered that their special Mother’s Day tribute message posted to Kew Beach Junior Public School’s...

Drag Queen Story Hour Has Scared My Son Straight

Janet Rosenberg was in for the shock of a lifetime when she attended her son's parent-teacher interviews at his primary school last month. Despite...

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