America's #1 Newstainment Source

Woke Madness

Tucker Carlson Is Dividing My Family. Make it stop!

How can I stop Tucker Carlson from ruining my family? Asks one GWU! reader. Karen and Kevin platform their extreme, extremist take.

What’s Really Happening Inside the Gaza Encampment Protests?

Johnny Jock drops truth bombs from behind the fence of the People’s Circle for Palestine encampment at U of T!

Air Canada Survivor: “Chief Woodhouse’s Antics Put Our Lives in Danger!!!”

Tomahawk-sized Indigenous air rage: Chief Woodhouse’s antics put our lives in danger!!!

Summa Cum Gaza My Ass: Says Boomer

Toby gets even after local community college cancels graduation in support of Gaza!

Woke Pioneer Museum Transitions from Ancestral Deadname: ‘Pioneer’

Canada's Black Creek Pioneer Village drops ‘pioneer’ from name to boost Indigenous, Black, and BLT++ voices. 

Israeli a Happy Meal for Foreign War(s) Eating America’s Lunch

Could MacDonalds bring peace to the Middle East, one happy meal at a time?

Can you spot a Link: Leftist Ideology, No Kids?

LINKS are the new DINKS. A modern breed of Yuppie couples who identify as Leftist Ideology, No Kids.

Iran Away From the US Draft

Am I going to be drafted for WW3? Asks one GWU! reader. Karen and Kevin weigh in.

OJ’s Deathbed Confessions

OJ’s Deathbed Confessions: Hollywood gossip columnist spills "The Juice" on the final hours of OJ Simpson!!!

OJ Simpson: If I did it …. Shocking Conspiracy Confessional

Truth touchdown: If I did it …. the shocking deathbed conspiracy confessional of OJ Simpson.

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