“I was wrong about everything,” admits one regretful doctor after the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) essentially confirmed that the so-called pandemic was all a big farce.
The CDC announced in early March what many so-called anti vaxxers had been reasoning for the entire pandemic: COVID is the seasonal flu!
“I feel lied to,” fumes the New York state family doc who asked her name not be published for fear of the medical establishment’s guaranteed reprisal.
The faceless family doc who spent three years encouraging hundreds of her patients, as well as family and friends to mask-up, social distance, and even take the experimental vaccine now says: “Oops.”
Time to Pivot!

The CDC now says that people no longer need to isolate themselves from school or work for 5 days, as was previously recommended, and are only recommending COVID-19 booster shots to the elderly. It had already quietly dropped masking and social distancing months previously.
Many doctors, including the one who spoke with GWU! are not happy with the news and now feel like they betrayed their patients after coercing them to follow the idiotic CDC guidelines for three years.
“How can I look them in the eye after I turned their lives upside down? As medical doctors we look to the CDC for guidance and now we, as much as them, look like buffoons.”
It’s true! You do!
It’s Always a Deadly Virus on the Socials
But even with the self-realization of many medical practitioners there are just as many who are stuck in the past. Some die hard #CovidisNotOver Reddit Left wing medical extremists are ignoring the CDC’s current recommendation!
COVID-19 alarmists took to social media and sympathetic TV news programming like a virus, as the change in guidance was announced. Many of these fanatics are concerned that the change in recommendations would fuel mistrust in ‘The Science’ and make it appear that dangerous misinformation on the Internet was actually correct the entire time (Are you, talking me? Are you, talking to me!—ed). They also worry that it could confuse the hapless public who can’t think for themselves.
“I feel like I didn’t do my own research and did harm rather than good,” confesses our repenting Doc. “It turns out that in blindly following the herd we missed the obvious. COVID was just a seasonal flu and life goes on.”
In its official breakdown the CDC states that COVID-19 remains an “important public health threat, but it is no longer the emergency that it once was, and its health impacts increasingly resemble those of other respiratory viral illnesses, including influenza and RSV.”
The CDC goes on to explain that the change is due to more than 98% of the U.S. population now having some degree of protective immunity against COVID-19 from vaccination, prior infection, or both.
Are you Pfzing Kidding Me!

The various CDC and independent studies and reports slowly trickling out a tsunami of truth is washing away the establishment’s approach to the pandemic.
Doctors and the COVID crowd are also getting confirmation that:
- community lockdowns didn’t ‘slow the spread’ but just destroyed the economy
- kids weren’t super spreaders and school closures hurt them
- masks don’t work on aerosolized viruses
- ‘gold standard’ PCR tests were cycled way too high and returned mostly false positives and the at home tests were never even meant for ‘Covid-19’
- social distancing was made up
- asymptomatic spread isn’t a real thing
- vaccines never stopped transmission
- the firing of nurses and anyone who didn’t want to get the jab was illegal and lead to labor shortages
- the virus was likely created in a Chinese bio lab
- censorship against alternative viewpoints pointing out these facts along alternative treatments was stifled by the US government with the help of Big Tech.
The jaded doc says she expects the CDC to announce later in the month the final thing that GWU! readers also knew the whole time: the vaccines were a gross government overreach that was just a Big Pharma cash grab for an experimental product that didn’t work and caused more harm than good.