America's #1 Newstainment Source

Censoring Palestinian Pride

Get Woke Up! Podcast with Mad Dug & Anthony

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Live from XSpace Mad Dug and Anthony launch their hit podcast to the social media universe, but still wonder, if a broadcast is made on the information superhighway does anyone hear it? Joined by Danger Cat’s Uncle Hack, GWU’s out-of-this-world Space Cadets discuss cancel culture, the insane woke left agenda, and the censorious state of comedy. Hey, what’s the deal with Elon Musk? Amirite?

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Plus: Non-student Mad Dug takes a recess from a Palestinian university encampment, only to learn that he can’t even find Gaza on a map; Ryan Reynolds gets choked up about playing George Floyd in a new biopic; Colonizer Clothing is all the rage with angry white chicks; and Anthony bombs at getting that perfect Ham-ass with the new Gaza Gut Diet

Check your white guilt at the door and blast off with a couple of Boomers who aren’t afraid to inject some truth serum against the woke mind virus. The revolution will not be televised or hashtagged, but it will be podcasted with the GWU! ZOO Crew only at Get Woke Up!

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The GWU! Podcast