Janet Rosenberg was in for the shock of a lifetime when she attended her son’s parent-teacher interviews at his primary school last month. Despite her little angel, Turner, excelling in all his Grade 5 subjects, his teacher said that he was gravely concerned for the star student.
“The first thing he said to me was that Turner wasn’t taking pronoun usage seriously,” Janet tells GWU! in an exclusive interview from her home in Vermont.
The stay-at-home mother says that she and her husband Brian always voted Democrat in the past, but since this troubling incident at the primary school and what happened afterwards they have vowed: never again.
Janet believes that everything escalated with the teacher earlier in the year when the couple had declined to allow Turner to participate in the state’s new sex-ed curriculum, which they felt “focused on mental health issues trumping science and biology.”
“Turner’s teacher, who we had heard great things about, continued by saying that our son refused to acknowledge two students who are transitioning. He said our son was refusing to use their new pronouns and even dead named one child—whatever that means.”

The troubled mother continued by saying that the teacher told her that misgendering was offensive, hurtful, and possibly a “hate crime” and that if it didn’t stop Turner could face suspension and ultimately expulsion. The petite and polite mother of four was stunned into silence.
“Would a school really throw out a straight A student for the ridiculous crime of correctly identifying a mentally ill classmate!” she fumed.
Not knowing what to do, the concerned mother asked the teacher what should be the next step for her son. “He suggested, well basically told me, that I take Turner to a drag queen story hour at the local library to equip him with sensitivity training tools.” And Janet wasn’t the only parent that evening who was encouraged to attend a drag show, she revealed to GWU!
The teacher provided the unsure parent with a list of upcoming ‘family friendly’ drag events. “My husband couldn’t stop laughing at the sheer stupidity of the suggestion, but, like me, worried about our son being suspended and having that on his permanent record. Do they let ‘transphobes’ into Yale?”
What happened next was beyond Janet’s wildest imagination. “I guess I knew what drag was, but couldn’t believe that it still existed and that a library was willingly exposing young children to it!”
She continues by saying how Turner, a well-adjusted young man who enjoys soccer and Boy Scouts, appeared scared and nervous upon arriving at the library in a blue voting district of Burlington. “There were protestors who were trying to tell us not to go in, but the local police were insistent on ushering us inside.”
Once inside the public library the mother and son were accosted by men in women’s clothing wanting to verify that the Rosenberg’s were attending for sincere reasons. Janet was forced to provide pronouns, disclose her cis gender, both having to wear Pride flag name tags emblazoned with this information.
“I wasn’t only worried that my son would misgender one of these freaks, but that I would,” she chortles. “Men looked like girls, girls looked like men, and the other children attending looked like hostages in a pink-haired, nose ring, dress-wearing war,” she muses poetically.

Janet described the main drag “queen” resembling a linebacker for the Chicago Bears, only hairier.
“Everyone cheered and clapped for this freak like he was the president of Ukraine, as he sashayed into the children’s section of the library carrying a book with a rainbow cover.”
Janet adds that since the ordeal, the family has removed their Ukrainian flag from their front window. “I don’t trust any of it anymore,” she shrugs.
The story lasted about 15 minutes and for the next 45 minutes the gorilla in a dress discussed transitioning, social pressure, white privilege, living in a post-Floyd world, and assigned gender with the children—some as young as four—according to Janet. “I couldn’t believe that a tax-funded public library would allow this circus to go on,” says the Drag Queen Story Hour survivor. “One child said that they weren’t sure if they were a girl and this drag monster actually encouraged her that she might be a boy. Could you imagine?”
Upon leaving, Janet reflected on the bizarre display and immediately filed a complaint to the school principal, which has since gone unanswered. “I told Turner to not worry about misgendering and that we would always stand by our son, even if it meant he was expelled.”
But the soft-spoken mother, who has transitioned to organizing protests at the events, has this advice for other parents dealing with the Transgenda in American schools: “Don’t let this gender indoctrination continue to infiltrate our schools. I learned the hard way, but please take my advice and stand up against these monsters in mini skirts.”