Forecast for Bird Flu Is a Total Yolk!

Get Woke Up! Podcast with Mad Dug & Anthony

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Summer’s here and the time is right for “Juneteenthing” on the beach! Join Mad Dug and Anthony Anderson as they hit the sand and surf to high tide one of the darkest days in American history (no pun intended—ed). While Libtards will insist it’s all about George Floyd and the hundreds of thousands of slaves he freed—the two hottest DJs on the Internet find a way to make waves all about themselves. 

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Plus: The white boys of summer crack Bird Flu yolks, while flapping their beaks over the climate change scam; Islamophobes don’t give a truck; and will Anthony invite Mad Dug for dinner after he was expelled from FSU’s all-inclusive encampment? It’s 54 minutes of your life that you’ll never get back, but time is just a colonial construct anyway. Amirite? 

So put on a pair of They Live™ shades and slip on your Colonizer T-shirt as the boombox boomers of podcasting dump on Obama, interview Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, and battle ‘hate’ … with hilarity.  The revolution will not be televised or hashtagged, but it will be podcasted with the GWU! ZOO Crew only at Get Woke Up!

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See also  Robyn Hood and his/her BIPOC Band of Merry They/Thems

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