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Hailey Bieber Tells All After Near Death Vaccine Experience

While hubby’s face froze, wifey’s side effect much more life threatening

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Hailey Bieber, daughter of Bio-Dome co-star Stephen Baldwin, recently survived a COVID-19 vaccine near death experience, and it’s something that more and more young adults are experiencing after taking the experimental vaccine. 

While hubby Justin was just diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt Syndrome Type 2 , Hailey nearly died–possibly as a side effect of the jab. And these days more and more adults ages 18-30 are suffering similar or worse fates. 

“I had a very scary experience on March 10,”  the niece of famed Trump impersonator and cold-blooded killer Alec Baldwin told her fans in a video posted to social media. 

SIZE MATTERS: Bieber says the stroke she suffered from was like nothing she’d experienced before.

The 25-year-old supermodel went on to reveal that she experienced a transient ischemic attack (TIA), often referred to as a “mini-stroke.”

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“She was rushed to hospital after the stroke,” tattles a close personal friend .“She only sort of suspected it could be the vaccine, but then when Justin got a melting face, well let’s just say they’re no longer Beliebers.”


Experts are calling the phenomenon, unheard of until the recent mass experi”mental” MRN gene-therapy injections, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). It’s becoming more and more common since the release of the experimental COVID-19 vaccines. SADS occurs when a person’s heart appears to stop without cause, often in what appear to be perfectly healthy, young adults or those in middle age. After an examination of Hailey, doctors discovered some irregularities in her heart. 

“She’s just lucky she was in the U.S. when it happened to receive world class medical care and not Justin’s shit-hole country, Canada ,” says our insider.

While it’s next to impossible to determine how many people have died of SADS, many countries with high vaccination rates such as the U.S., Canada and the U.K. have seen a spike in mortality in young adults.

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Bieber said while eating breakfast with her husband, Justin Bieber, she started experiencing a “really weird sensation that travelled down her arm from her shoulder, all the way down to her fingers. The wife of the pop sensation said her fingers felt “numb and weird.”

“I couldn’t speak,” she said. “The right side of my face started drooping. I couldn’t get a sentence out.” Both beautiful Bieber and her boyishly handsome husband knew she was having a “full-blown stroke.”

After being rushed to the hospital doctors discovered a blood clot in her brain. “It was the scariest moment of my life,” reveals the Levi’s jeans spokesmodel

Bieber says that her doctors concluded the blood clot in her brain was caused by “a perfect storm” of factors; including birth control pills, a recent case of COVID-19, and two flights to Paris from Los Angeles in a short time frame. Doctors also discovered, and were able to correct, a small hole in her heart that they said was totally, completely, absolutely unrelated. But other medical experts point to the obvious connection of the young starlet’s repeated jabs.

MAINSTREAM MEDIA ANTI-SCIENCE BELIEBERS: The media has remained silent on the link between the ‘sickness’ as they have vaguely referred to it as–never mentioning the likelihood of the couples conditions being vaccine injuries.  


Despite both Biebers silence on the possible link between the COVID-19 vaccine and her recent brush with death, medical experts are saying there is mounting evidence of a connection. Reports in the media have been abound with healthy young people dropping dead for no apparent reason. 

“The biggest scare is what it will mean for their careers if they come out swinging against Big Pharma,” says the tattler. “Record companies and fashion designers know better than to go against the corrupt upper echelon’s orders.”

Thankfully Bieber is fully recovered, but now has the daunting burden of caring for her disfigured husband ahead of her. The brave young wife says that with the strength of their love, together they can overcome anything. 


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