A group of California moms and dads have some lessons to teach fellow parents about the dangers of DEI in the classroom this school year.
The newly formed group came together over the summer break after experiencing the horrors of the previous year’s DEI obsessed and CRT crazy curriculum. The group, calling itself DIE (Diversity Is Exclusion) is sharing with GWU! readers their parent-created anti-woke worksheet for student success at passing on DEI.
Anti-racist babies

“An important thing to remember is that you can be a good person and non-racist without getting caught up in all the anti-racist dogma,” says founding DIE member and group president Barb Fossie.
The newly empowered parent tells GWU! that schools pushing anti-racism places an unnecessary burden of guilt and shame on students. “Kids need a safe space in schools where they aren’t constantly fed race-war propaganda that pits one group against another,” says Fossie who continues that it’s time to stop shedding ‘White Woman Tears’ over students so-called “white privilege” and teaching black children they are being “oppressed.”
Stay home, stay safe

When it comes to BLT gender issues, Fossie says that while every child is unique and may have their own form of gender expression there is no need for special days to be set aside for the worship of so-called “Pride.”
“Keep your child home when the pride flag is raised and the rainbow propaganda is hung up,” proclaims Fossie to GWU! over Microsoft Teams. She insists that your child’s absence should not be marked “sick” but rather be noted on official school records that they did not attend out of reasons of conscience. “If enough parents keep their kids home and tell their school why, eventually all this nonsense will end.” The anti-woke mama bear continues that home schooling is also an option that many parents in her group are now considering.”
Straight straight alliances

Fossie advises that there is strength in numbers and parents need to stand together to end the disastrous practice of DEI and CRT.
“Talk to the other parents in person, on Telegram groups, whatever, just start gathering your tribe because the other side has already mobilized. That’s why they have the power to shove this cockamamy crap created by narcissistic equity activists down our kids throats!”
The group leader says that she and most of the parents in DIE use to be very liberal. “I mean, most Californians are progressive and inclusive at their core but over the past few years things have gotten way out of hand. I don’t thing we’ve changed. I think the goal posts of sanity have just been moved, like, out of the stadium.”
Proto Calling the N-Word

“Did you know that there’s specific protocols around the N-word at most schools?” asks Fossie.
The puffing parent is referring to the official policy at most schools that has a formula for dealing with when students use the N-word.
DIE’s recording secretary Leroy Jefferson (who tells GWU! that he identifies as lower case black—ed) that the use of the word is really black and white. “Now, this is clearly an inappropriate word for children and adults to use. That’s just common sense and manners. The thing is that there are different rules for different kids when they’re caught using the word up in these woke schools.” Jefferson is referring to the fact that white students can face suspension if they say the N-word, while Black students will get a casual chat about the social- cultural importance of Cardi B and a high five.
“At my son’s school black students drop the N-bomb more frequently than P-Diddy beats his hoes—but the minute whitey says the word … it’s all Race World War III. Now kids aren’t stupid. They will push the limits and get away with as much as possible until an adult stops them. Our parent group has documented incidents of black students using the N-Word as a weapon in the playground, goading non-blacks into saying it just to get them in trouble. As a black man, that makes me angry.”
DIE is still trying to find the best solution to this issue. For Jefferson he suggests that everyone should just stop saying the N-Word, especially N-worders.
No one is illegal, except for the illegals

“Everyone is welcome is a nice sentiment but not really realistic or fair,” says DIE Prez Fossie. “Why should the children of illegals get to attend public schools paid for with American citizens’ taxes?” Fossie says that the parents in her group are from a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds, many of them were once legal immigrants themselves. She says they are fed up with people ‘cutting the line’ and not following the rules like they did to enjoy the benefits of American life.
“DIE and CRT espoused the lie that illegal immigrants are not illegal at all. The ideology of DEI and CRT instead push the terms ‘visitors’ or ‘migrants’. If we don’t value our American citizenship then why would they?”
While DIE members are sympathetic to students who are in the country illegally by no fault of their own they believe the answer is not to simply accept them as having the same rights and privileges, rather, check their student information to find out where they live so the entire family can be scooped up by ICE and returned to their country of origin. “Also, uh, they need to stop eating peoples pets.”
Inclusion conclusion
With the start of the school year now in full swing DIE is especially concerned with the idea there must be so-called equality of outcome for all students. Secretary Jefferson says the idea that teachers can’t fail kids who can’t or won’t do the work is ‘disrespectful.’ The father of five continues that he wants his children to know that they got their marks based on the work they put in, not on the color of their skin. “What is up with all this communist garbage?”
The DIE group is looking at opening more local chapters across California and has recently had interest from parents nationwide as to how to save their children from school policies that push cultural marxism dressed up as diversity, equity and inclusion.