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How to Never Get Canceled: A GWU! Guide 

The Secret: JUST SAY NO! Says PR advisor to the stars!!!

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When Major League Baseball player Anthony Bass was canceled by the Blue Jays for sharing a video deemed to be ‘transhate’ he followed the team’s playbook of fake contrition. Hoping for a home run, Bass was instead sent walking home from the  team, even after letting his balls get battered in the media with a groveling hostage-style apology video

According to a PR expert GWU! spoke with, Bass’ mistake was apologizing in the first place. “All he did was share a video of a pastor calling for a boycott of Target after they were in the news for pushing children’s Trans wear. So what!”  

James Masters, a PR advisor to the stars, has been quietly advising hundreds of celebrities, politicians and business leaders over the past five years in the art of what he calls “Saying no to being canceled.” And with his eight point plan anyone can escape the cancel culture mob!  


LOADED BASES: “Have some balls. Never apologize for something you did on purpose and aren’t actually sorry for” advises Masters.

The PR pro says that Bass saying sorry made no sense. “Bass is a religious guy. People respect that. Why try to back track and pretend you’re good with men dressing as women? You never say sorry to these woke cancel culture scavengers. They will strip you of your flesh while you lie rotting in the sun begging for forgiveness.”  

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TATE THE PLAYER, NOT THE GAME: The always humble Andrew Tate says of Andrew Tate: “My unmatched perspicacity, coupled with sheer indefatigability, makes me a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor.”

Masters continues that instead of groveling for forgiveness he tells his clients to dig in their heels on whatever cancelable act they’ve committed and do it again, bigger and louder. Masters references MNA fighter and former Dean of Hustlers University, Andrew Tate, who he will neither confirm nor deny advising. “Tate is a loud mouth, an unapologetic man’s man. It’s his brand. Does he say inflammatory statements? Duh, was COVID made in a lab! He held on to his core identity despite the pile on and rather than being beaten down has risen up stronger and more influential before the cancel mob came for him.”

In a turnaround of the usual media power dynamic Tate has stipulated that if any legacy media organization wants to interview him they have to donate $50,000 to his charity and buy him a box of chocolates which he will eat during the interview. 


CONSENT TO BEING A MANWICH: Billboard Chris brings his dadfight against puberty blockers being administered to children across North America. 

“Just say no,” says Masters. When the left wing social justice gang comes calling he insists that if you are firm in your beliefs no amount of lies and slander can stop you from spreading your truth. “Chris Elston AKA Billboard Chris, who I know personally (but can’t reveal if I’ve officially advised due to the strict code of ethics I follow with all my clients) is as straightforward on his beliefs that children can’t consent to puberty blockers as that sandwich board sign he wears.” The PR pro says that Chris wears his message, literally, and makes no apologies for it. “Honestly, what are the keyboard warriors going to do to you? Man up, eat a dick sandwich, haters.” 


NO DISNEY PRINCESS: Carano refused to take the mat and lie down for the count, boxing back on against her opponents on social media.

Gina Carano, who Masters says he may or may not have advised two years ago, beat her way out of the cancel culture corner and won. “When corporations like Disney and SJWs come at you, you have to fight back.” 

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The former MNA fighter turned Disney Star Wars actress was fired for making social media posts likening being a conservative to being Jewish during Nazi-era Germany and the pointlessness of masks.

Since her firing the actress has gone on to star in film projects for the Daily Wire. There are also rumors of her return to the Star Wars franchise as Disney scrambles to recover from money losing woke programming like its live action race swapping Little Mermaid.  


TRAIN BY DAY, JOE ROGAN PODCAST BY NIGHT!: Dissenting voices had nowhere to turn but the alternative media to spread the truth during the so-called pandemic and now podcasts like Rogan and of course GWU! are goto sources of unfiltered news that speak with no fear and no favor. 

As powerful as new media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok are, so too is alternative media that actually harnesses the talent of an influence better than ‘left wing purple haired communist transmen,’ says Masters. “No one believes the MSM anymore and random social media influencers on the left don’t actually have the following they pretend to. Go on the Rogan podcast or a discount version like Sam Tripoli’s Tin Foil Hat.” 

When Dr. Robert Malone was being pilloried in the media for telling the truth about the ineffectiveness of ‘leaky’ mRNA vaccines he turned to podcast badboy Joe Rogan to get his message out.

“This was during a time when anyone speaking counter to the narrative was censored, deleted and smeared by social media companies at the behest of the government and the pharma industry (is there a difference?-ed). 

Masters insists that through the respected alt-press you will reach fans who will rally to your defense against the disorganized amature social justice mob of so-called influencers in their tiny echo chamber. “That includes the even less significant corporate captured legacy media,” says Masters.


NO BOT! ABOUT IT: After being yanked from YouTube, Sneako gives no Fs in the chat about having found a more dedicated audience on Rumble for his irreverent content.

“Talk directly to your audience,” directs Masters.  While this used to be easy on platforms like YouTube pre-pandemic, increased censorship made it difficult to reach an audience. 

The PR-man recalls former YouTuber, Sneako who hit 900,000 subscribers with his hot takes on politics, modern feminism and the topic of his YouTube undoing, Covid.

“Sneako’s cancellation over ‘covid misinformation’ was a bit like Al Capones over tax evasion,” laughs Masters. “They couldn’t cancel him over the substance of his criticisms of American culture so went after him another way. But as I predicted at the time, unlike Capones charges this wouldn’t stick.”

Undaunted at losing his massive subscriber base on YouTube, Sneako settled in the wild west of video streaming, Rumble. There, Sneako could culture jam without restraint and has been producing outrageous Redpill content for a smaller but more dedicated viewership.  

“The Sneak, that’s what I call him, has total creative freedom on a growing platform versus the restrictions on the  ever shrinking in relevance of YouTube.” 


PETERSON LOVES BEING A ‘B’: Masters winks that he just may have had a hand in advising the problematic prof.

When Jordan Peterson got suspended from Twitter for misgendering Elliot Page, it seemed like the end for the Canadian psychology professor turned right wing author. Except it wasn’t. “Pete is always biting off more meat than he can chew,” smiles the public relations raconteur. 

The ban was compounded by Peterson also having Tweeted of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue plus-size model Yumi Nu: “Sorry. Not beautiful. And no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that.”

Masters says that he inspired Peterson to follow his own ‘rules for life’. Following Rule 8 of his 12 Rules for Life, ‘Tell the truth or at least don’t lie,’ Peterson continued to tell the truth in defiance of what he called ‘woke moralists.’ 

Peterson became un-cancellable from that point on. No social media site has been able to touch him since the incident and even a real life attempt by the College of Psychologists of Ontario to strip him of his license failed.


NO FEAR FACTOR: Host of the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, the comedian has an authenticity that people are drawn to says Masters. “The reason my pal has never been and never will be canceled is that everyone can see through phoneys. And Joey ain’t no phony.”

“Rogan is the most consumed media product on the planet — with the power to shape tastes, politics and even medical decisions,” says Masters.

Masters explains that Rogan has overcome every cancel attempt ever put in the ring with him. From controversies over his use of the N-word in the past to accusations as a Covid minimiser that had Dr. Anthony Fauci calling him out and Neil Young threatening to pull his music from Spotify if the music platform didn’t cancel him, to being called a conspiracy theorist, the podcast host has only grown stronger. 

Rogan has a deal with Spotify for over $200 million with an audience reach of 15 million subscribers and access to interviews with the whos who of subjects ranging from stand up comedy to quantum computing. 

“Joey and anyone else who follows my guide on how to never get canceled will be around for the long haul and are unstoppable. Apologizers, grovelers and knee benders, take note.”



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