When Harold McQuaker, the popular and well-respected mayor of Emo, voted against approving Pride month the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) fined him a whooping $5,000 and the quaint town of Elmo $10,000.
McQuaker who had initially called the fine “extortion” had also said he would not undergo an Ontario Human Rights Commission mandatory re-education course on the importance of diversity and inclusion (and presumably gay stuff—ed).
But that didn’t stop the woke fat cats from forcing the tell-it-like-it-is mayor to pay the fine by actually garnishing his back account!!!
Gaybashing Straight Arrow Mayor

The 2020 demand for the declaration included the town making a compelled statement of support of the insane BLT agenda, flying of the pride flag, and generally defacing public areas in rainbows. A local BLT activist group, Borderland Pride, has claimed responsibility for the attack on the innocent mayor.
In fact, Borderland Pride went to the extreme by forcing Mayor McQuaker before a judge. Prior to the trial one of the directors on the board of Borderland Pride, lawyer Doug Judson berated the council for its “bigoted and discriminatory” actions in an open letter to the Emo town council. Judson offered a crooked olive branch as a “final off-ramp from this impending national public relations tire fire for your council and community.”
The municipal council can avoid the hearing, the letter reads, if it apologizes, imposes mandatory diversity and inclusion training for council members, agrees to undisclosed financial terms, pledges to green-light future pride proclamations “without stripping out their 2SLGBTQIA+ affirming language”, and provides free facilities for a “charitable drag event, the proceeds of which will support the Emo Public Library,” which then in turn, would have to hold a drag time story hour.
After the town council rejected Borderland Pride’s outrageous demands the HRTO fined the mayor $5,000 and the town an additional $10,000, as well as ordering all town councillors involved to undergo mandatory human rights indoctrination sessions.
Pride Madness

The gay gangsters are now taking pride in stealing from the 76-year-old grandfather and pillar of the Emo community, making this disgusting statement on facebook: “Sure, sex is great, but have you ever garnished your mayor’s bank account after he publicly refused to comply with a Tribunal’s order to pay damages?”
The status of the $10,000 fine HRTO imposed on the Township of Emo is currently unknown. Borderland Pride said they have so far not garnished the township, no doubt licking their inflated lips over the financial windfall they are robbing from the 1,400 residents of Emo.
Who’s The Top?

Mayor McQuaker says that he doesn’t accept that he’s homophobic and doesn’t “hate anybody.”
“If anybody needs training, it’s the LGBTQ2+ to quit pushing their weight around and make demands that people can’t live with,” he said.
The demands of inclusion at all costs by the BLT and minority special interest groups community in Canada have become more and more pervasive and aggressive in the country which has some of the worst legal protections of individual freedom of speech and censorship policies in the western world.