Bye-bye Elon Musk. And good riddance, cupcake. During his short dictatorship as Twitter CEO he turned what was once a digital safe space for LGBTQIAP+ Social Justice Warriors into a Right-wing echo chamber, populated by Russian bots and Alt-Right, Anti-Science, Neo-Nazis who tweet hate speech 24/7 — into a disinformation cesspool. Musk, (who may or may not be the elusive “Q”) spread a mind virus that was dangerous to our democracy and threatened to poison the supple, young minds of impressionable zoomers.
Readers of Get Woke Up! (which I only write for to pay my Disney+ and OnlyFans bills until the glorious socialist revolution) are too stupid to know disinformation if it bit their cousin/wives on the back of their big fat red necks. So I’ll make one of those inane, easy to follow lists so common on this frankly schizophrenic news site.
How to dish disinformation
- Claim that mainstream media is “fake news.”
- Have a personal opinion on science when you’re not a scientist.
- Basically anything that comes out of Trump’s mouth.
- Everything in the leaked Twitter Files.
This garbage is the bread and butter of Right-wing grifters. These disingenuous asshats aim to brainwash their audience into giving them $2 a month through PayPal so they can carry on making false claims like “the mRNA vaccines are dangerous” or “there are only two genders.”
Hilariously, the Alt-Right would have you believe that its not Elon Musk but the FBI and CIA that are to blame for much of America’s disinformation at home and abroad due to their propensity for propaganda and morally dubious social experiments, such as that whole MKUltra thing. But come on. If we can’t use drugs to brainwash and psychologically torture our own citizens – then how would we be able to do it to people in countries that had it coming. Like Vietnam. And Afghanistan. And Iraq.
While it’s true that the agency has a slightly checkered past and is guilty of crimes against humanity, that was then and this is now. And I protest this bastardized understanding of Presentism. The Church Committee Hearings put an end to infiltrating the media with planted stories by reporters on the take. They don’t do that kind of stuff anymore, Jimmy Carter and Obama totally pinky swore.
While I’ll ruthlessly hold celebrities and random members of the public to account for things they tweeted years ago that were fine then but problematic now, I’m more than willing to trust and forgive organizations like the FBI, CIA and Pfizer for their past crimes and corruption.
It’s all in service of the greater good, after all
This preposterous claim that the CIA are really to blame for the dissemination of disinformation is just a pathetic attempt by the ironically named ‘Right’ to deflect criticism and assuage themselves of guilt. If the CIA really were pumping out propaganda I would know. Fact Checkers would have told me. Besides, my big brain has more wrinkles on it than both my ball sacks combined, making it impervious to propaganda.
Members of the Qmmunity have used their dark web platform (Twitter) to spread disinformation as egregious as ‘Elon Tusk being clever and funny.’ (FALSE AND MISLEADING!). According to Wikipedia, a trusted font of truthful information and peer reviewed, politically neutral sources, (all for just $2 a year) QAnon followers have used the term “Operation Mockingbird” when referring to American mainstream news. This is in reference to an alleged CIA program during the Cold War that would attempt to manipulate the minds of Americans via peppering propaganda into the news. This is simply Right-wing sewage, however. 60 Minutes did, like, a whole segment on it.
If you want a real example of government manipulation of the facts, look no further than evil Russia. RUSSA! RUSSA! RUSSA!
Under former KGB agent / current insane President Vladimir Putin, the rogue nation has perfected the art of weaponizing disinformation and propaganda. We have them to blame for Trump, thanks to the ‘Pee-pee Tape’ they have on him. And then there’s that nasty story they are circulating on 4Chan about poor Hunter Biden’s laptop. His brother died serving this country, you know.
Even closer to home, Qlon Musk is guilty of it. Despite framing himself as a ‘free speech absolutist’ (PROPAGANDA!) Muskrat has adopted a draconian stance when it comes to a certain sect of the LGBTQIAP+ community, outright banning folx for harmlessly exposing themselves and their sexuality, by banishing them to the back pages of that free city life indi newspaper that only pervs read! Not only that, but he has slapped “fact checks” and “context warnings” on prominent Left-leaning liberals’ tweets, even President Biden’s (MAXIMUM DISINFORMATION)!!
We don’t need no disinformation
Disinformation is a deadly tool wielded by disingenuous agents of chaos and tinfoil hatted conspiracy theorists, with the sole purpose being the complete and total destruction of Our Democracy. It is because of these gaslighting Neanderthals that a pandemic that could have been over in two weeks is still raging with no end in sight. It is because of toxic mxn like Egon Spengler-Musk and his defective, racist Teslas that climate change continues to ravage our planet.
And don’t even get me started on aliens. Y’all, they DON’T EXIST. X-Files geeks hanging on every woo-woo word said by bouffant haired kooks on the History Channel can go on all they like about intelligent life in the universe (in other words, Democrats), but until we have cold, hard proof that there is such a thing as an Alien Life Form (A.L.F), it is disinformation to claim otherwise. Even NASA agrees, with them having recently announced the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena task force, so we can finally stamp a giant red SpaceX on these baseless, insane conspiracy theories.