Remember Osama bin Laden? The same one who was totally ‘killed’ by Obama back in 2011. Well, Osama, a former employee of the CIA and friend of the Bush family, is back from the ‘dead’ thanks to TikTok! The former Enemy #1 of the American people has reappeared through a letter he wrote to them more than 20 years ago.
That’s write!!! Literary Laden penned a page turner that would keep any good anti-American gripped to their seat called “Letter to the American People,” where he criticized the land of the so-called free (Talk about the pen being mightier than the box cutter—ed).
The work of non-fiction describes American foreign policy on the occupation of Palestine and the constant punishing attacks on the Palestinians by both the Israelis and the American military, as well as myriad other conflicts America started around the world in their thirst for money and oil.
“Why are we fighting and opposing you?” The letter asks and explains the answer is very simple:
“Because you attacked us and continue to attack us.”

The letter, which had been online via The Guardian and other sources for decades, resurfaced when it went viral on TikTok with the hashtag #lettertoamerica. “It was life changing,” explains GWU! intern and TikToker Glenda York who after posting her reaction on the terrorist tome had her account deleted by the communist social media giant. An egregious act of censorship for a 30-second take on the man who George Bush once said he would ‘smoke out of his cave.’
And she wasn’t alone. “Osama is like a modern day Che Guevara,” added our social media intern. “I mean, it was a life changing message. The US starts all these beefs by stealing and colonizing around the world and then they complain when their victims fight back.” A message which has many millennials outraged with the Biden administration and the mainstream media’s reaction to the ongoing so-called Israel genocide.
Because of the bin Laden hysteria, The Guardian and social media sites such as TikTok along with Reddit have removed and banned any reference to the letter. TikTok, owned by the Chinese, has even gone as far as silencing anyone who mentions the letter (nothing new there, cough, cough, COVID—ed).
But as Black Friday this week Uncle CJ Byner has the letter in full for you right here at GWU! Don’t believe me, Check da Link!
Thanksgiving Political Circle Jerks

Chris Christie, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley and biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy sat down for a surprisingly thoughtful and polite roundtable talk last Friday, moderated by evangelical leader Bob Vander Plaats. Without the usual talking points the Republican Party presidential nominees openly discussed abortion, religion and COVID lockdowns being bullshit.
The change of venue from the last formal and visibly scripted debate made for a more human and relaxed discussion—free of the usual personal jabs and insults that marked the debate in Miami.
The only candidate in the Miami debate to be so calm as to appear to be asleep was political heavyweight Chris Christie. In that debate Christie only seemed to wake from slumber when the discussion turned to subs. Viewers did notice that he slipped right back into his diabetic coma though upon realizing the subs being discussed were nuclear and not meatball.
Spaceman Elon Musk to Media Matters – We Suing!

Elon Musk, who in only one year has seen Twitter, the company he bought for 44 million shrink in value to 19 million, is upset over Media Matters—a left wing woke content monitoring agency, that is accusing the “friend to all people” (except Toby P. Gelman—ed) of deliberately placing wholesome corporate advertising next to hateful and anti semitic imagery.
Musk says that there’s no way he can control where the content is placed when it comes to imagery deemed hateful, as X’s ad tool cannot scan image content.
Nevertheless, Media Matters is the message and they’ve since convinced some big woke corporations, including IBM, Apple and Disney, to abort the founder of Space X’s latest mission.
But don’t count the billionaire baby face out yet, as he’s enlisted his out-of-this-world lawyers on the case. “We suing,” a fan of Elon tweeted on X, formerly Twitter.
In related news, earlier this year, the inconsequential Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) left X after Musk labeled them ‘government funded’, but after seeing a massive decline in readership the half-dead government Vizier has quietly crept back onto the platform like the decaying, mummified corpse that it is.