Nili Kaplan-Myrth, a family physician in Ottawa, Canada, spent most of the pandemic trying to help people, but after a recent tirade of tweets, including writing “You are a transphobic bigot” to one person, the frontline doctor may be losing support from the vaccine faithful.
The doctor and school board trustee first came into the pandemic-panic spotlight for her demands for mandatory COVID-19 vaccination of every man, woman and child in Ontario, Canada. She was a regular guest star performer on cable TV fear programming, despite the majority of those appearances ending (or sometimes beginning) with her yelling at the host.
But now many are starting to distance themselves from the physician based on her more recent behaviour on social media.
“I’m shocked. This ‘top doc’ blocked me over my pretty vanilla meme about the vaccine injured. She could’ve just ignored my concerns like most doctors have around vaccine injuries, but she just can’t cope, I guess,” wrote one social media user.
And while the always-masked doctor continues to use social media to spout disproven science, she may be doing more harm than good, argues one social media expert.
“I was also blocked by Nili after I questioned her stand on mask mandates,” said the expert who heads a social media marketing firm in Austin, Texas. “Look, I don’t work for her, but if I did I would say that she’s actually turning people off of vaccines, and forcing people to distance themselves from her cause. You can’t go around calling people names and then demand respect.”
While our expert, who has advised elite level sports stars can’t say for certain that Nili’s social media game may be damaging her rep, he does point out that people have been canceled for a lot less. “She’s not a celebrity, she’s a family doctor. But, if you’re asking me whether I’d take my child to her based on her tweets, I’m just not going to answer that on the record,” he says with a wink.
President Biden’s office, as recently as this week, said that they would be ending the pandemic in May, but for most nations the pandemic is already long over. The so-called-deadly disease is a distant memory in Europe and Russia. In fact, Japan recently marked COVID-19 down as a seasonal cold! GWU! has been reporting the same response from these nations for the better part of a year. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that the COVID-19 pandemic “continues to constitute a public health emergency of international concern” but also admit the pandemic is “probably at a transition point.”
“In light of what’s actually going on in the world, it would seem that Nili may have fallen victim to fake news,” says our expert.
One Twitter user who was also blocked by the good doctor agrees, “You’re seeing fewer and fewer people wearing masks, worrying about COVID. It’s a bit sad to see this lady still talking like it’s two years ago, but I think that was part of the problem to begin with.”
While Kaplan-Myrth’s doctor rating on RateMDs has some positive comments, including thanking her for her work in the community, the majority are not so favourable. Long time patients have called her the ‘worst doctor on the planet,’ ‘often late, irritable, rude and uncaring.’ She reportedly also keeps chickens in the entrance of her office, for some reason.

Kaplan-Myrth says that she has been the target of anti semitic verbal and written attacks, which this publication condemns. Police are now investigating what may possibly have been hate motivated offenses.
She claims that attacks against her are due to her public stance on ‘COVID-19 advocacy.’ An alternative theory could be that while personal attacks are unacceptable, criticism of her words and actions are not.
Our social media sleuth sums it up, saying that some people just don’t know how to let bad ideas die. “Masks, vaccines, social distancing and other pointlessly harmful and ineffective methods of controlling the common cold, continue to be pushed by the few who still believe the pandemic is ongoing. Just let it go lady.”

But this seems to be one prescription that this doctor is not going to follow. Kaplan-Myrth still regularly calls for increased booster and childhood vaccination and masking in all public situations. She often uses guilt, shaming and cries of ‘right wing bigotry’ in the face of sane people ignoring her advice.
As public school trustee for the Ottawa-Carleton district Kaplan-Myrth tried and failed to push through an unpopular mask mandate in schools as recently as last November. The motion was voted down amid a rowdy public meeting featuring furious parents who said that their children have had enough covid theater.
And with the COVID-19 narrative in it’s last gasp, it begs the question when doctors like Kaplan-Myrth will move on. Perhaps when the final mask drops and the public takes a breath of fresh air.