A shocking decision by a Virginia elementary school to approve an after-school Satanic club for students has parents seeing red!
The so-called ‘After-School Satan Club’ will be held at B.M. Williams Primary School in Chesapeake, Virginia, according to a promotional flyer that concerned parents shared with GWU!
Meetings will teach children; “benevolence and empathy, critical thinking, problem-solving, creative expression, personal sovereignty, and compassion,” according to the club’s flyer. The club describes Satan as a literary figure who represents a metaphorical construct of rejecting tyranny and championing the human mind and spirit.

Parents of students at the school say this is evil indoctrination that must not be allowed.
“This is clownworld to the max,” one parent tells GWU! “The usual left wing, gender brainwashing that happens is bad enough, but this is demonic. Literally.”
Although the club announcement said it “does not attempt to convert children to any religious ideology,” it does admit to offering “activities centered around the seven fundamental tenets of the Satanic Temple.”
“Can there really be that many satanists in public schools?” asks one parent. “Or is this just another way for the woke to make a point using their equality madness!”

Organiser of the Satanic club, June Everett says it goes “to schools where other religious clubs are operating” to give a counterpoint to the Christian clubs.
“The initial shock is always like, ‘Oh my God, Satan!’ says Everett. “We do have our deeply held religious beliefs, which are our seven tenants. If you look them over, it’s essentially, ‘be a good person,’” she reasoned.
Although parents have complained about the Satanic Temple’s club being allowed to operate on school property, the Chesapeake Public School District says that since the club is not district approved there is nothing it can do about it.
Parents have expressed their disgust regarding the Satanic club but to no avail. Due to anti-discrimination laws the club has as much right to operate on school property as any other.

And the little Lucifer agrees. “While I appreciate that they are letting concerned community members come in and vent, it’s really out of their hands,” Everett continued. “Even if you don’t like us, we’re part of what makes the United States a great country, where you can believe what you want to believe or not.”
One parent of a student at B.M. Williams, Joe Lathrop called the satanic after-school club’s claim to be non-religious “intellectually dishonest.”
“Several people have told me that the (other) new Satan after-school club at Golden Hills elementary is not a religion but a philosophy club … Then why did they choose Satan? Why not the Jean Paul Satre existentialism club? Why not the Descartes club? They put Satan in the name for a reason,” he posted on social media. “People should stop being intellectually dishonest and just own up to the fact that they want kids to worship Satan as a secular god.”