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Rage Applying Is All the Rage Among Angry Workers

Corporate virtue signaling is forcing good workers to quit!

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When Trey Andrews began working at a mid-size gaming company in Vancouver’s Kitsilano neighborhood he described it as his dream job: great hours, young and hip colleagues, and reasonable pay for one of the most expensive cities in the country. More recently, however, Trey, like many of his colleagues has found himself “Rage Applying,” particularly since the company began introducing Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE) workshops and holding virtue signaling events.

“Those workshops make me feel guilty for a crime that I didn’t commit,” says the twenty-five year old who was born in Kenya. “After the one to two hour ZOOM lectures, I’ll find myself mindlessly hitting submit on anything that I find on Indeed, LinkedIn, or even Monster.”

The term Rage Applying has taken over from last year’s post-pandemic trend of Quiet Quitting, but, while, the latter was used to describe the revenge of an undervalued and underpaid worker who starts phoning it in, Rage Applying is a direct result of corporate social indoctrination.

Andrews, who immigrated to Canada from Kenya when he was six and anglicized his name, says he just wants to make and play games. “It helped me when I first came to Canada, and it’s all I want to do for other kids, especially since Trudeau has invited so many immigrant families to come to this country.”

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The Mindcraft expert goes on to say that while other stories he’s read about Rage Applying cite the reason for it being disgruntled workers having to return to the office after working from home during the pandemic, he assures GWU! that among his colleagues and gaming industry pals that’s just not true.

“It’s the corporate virtue signaling,” he guffaws from his fourteenth story condo overlooking Granville Island.

How do you spell equity? Easy: Indoctrination

WORSE THAN A RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL? Some of Trey’s co-workers wonder if the residential school experience was as painful and tortuous as the workshops they have to sit through learning about it. “I’d rather get TB,” said one gamer.

Andrews says that while his company only mandates employees to attend bi-weekly LGB workshops or lectures from the grandchildren of residential school survivors, he has heard about other companies that have gone “full retard” from mandating employees to wear rainbow-styled Pride shirts on Fridays to actually taking a knee before meetings to recognize the suffering of both Black and Indigenous people. “Do I seem like I’m suffering,” he laughs at the utter lunacy of Woke culture.

“It’s not to say that the next place will be any better, but perhaps instead of asking about stock options I’ll find out what their views on reparations are and if struggle sessions will be mandatory.” Turning back to a more serious tone, Andrews describes what was once a fun and enjoyable job has turned into a “humiliating experience” and “painful to be a part of.”

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“It’s tough to see a great company succumb to this culture war.”

However, Micah Jones, a former senior HR director at a leading staffing agency in Wisconsin U.S.A, says that rage applying is not the best solution, particularly when it comes to pushing back on woke corporate brainwashing.

“Who’s to say the next place will be any better? It’s like leaving a country because you don’t like the new president or prime minister. Canadians are known to not fight back and rage applying is a perfect example of that in action. The term is a bit misleading.”

Jones also adds that most HR admins can spot a rage application like a bright red bullseye a mile away. Often they’ll have glaring typos like the name of the company and the position they’re applying for. “It’s clear the candidate hasn’t done their research.”

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5 MINUTES FOR VIRTUE SIGNALING: The Toronto Maple Leafs, who generally bend over and let every team have their way with them, were out in full rainbow swag to support the LGBTQIA2SL+$cam Mafia. Despite most NHL teams silencing the current thing.

Jones uses the National Hockey League as a recent example of seeing this type of dissent in positive action. “Players who are not wearing the jersey are being lambasted in the public forum, but in some cases entire teams are refusing to wear the jersey and sticking up for their brothers. We need to see the same sort of thing from the everyday working person.”

And while Andrews agrees with Jones sentiment, he says that it’s difficult at times. “I’ve found a few fellow ragers, but it’s tough to rebel against this oppressive state.”

For now, though, the game boy will continue to find himself in a state of rage applying and has even started covertly working on a video game around it during the daily 20 minute land acknowledgement. “It would be a mix of a classics like Street Fighter, Super Mario, Minecraft, Fortnite and Angry Birds, but that’s as far as I’ve gotten.”


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