The Harry Potter franchise will be introducing the wizarding world’s first transgender character to fans with the release of the ‘Hogwarts Legacy’ video game.
The new Harry Potter-based role-playing game, set in the wizarding world created by Rowling, introduces players to Sirona Ryan, who runs the Three Broomsticks pub in the game’s fictional magical town of Hogsmeade. Early on in the game the character shares with players that he “was actually a witch, not a wizard.”
The inclusion of a trans character is a marked and woke departure for the series which was created by so-called-TERF, JK Rowling who correctly asserts the scientific fact that there are only two genders. That viewpoint has generated controversy in the left wing media bubble over the last few years along with the author’s defense of traditional feminism.
“This is an absolute joke,” adds frustrated GWU! Podcast Producer and op-ed columnist Toby P. Gelman. “It’s like these woke losers are purposely trying to stick it to JK Rowling… with their mutilated genitals, no doubt.”
The game had been garnering some negative social media chatter among the trans community up until the announcement that a trans character would be sacrificed on the alter of game play as an act of appeasement to the woke mob.
While many in the trans community were happy with the inclusive nod, not everyone was convinced it wasn’t just an insincere corporate decision. GWU! columnist Doreen Trudeau did not come under what she called a ‘marketing spell’ in her words. “The greedy corporatx game developers supposedly ‘publicly disavowed the author’ and did the absolute bare minimum by including a made up trans character in the game. Transpeople are real! Such shallow pandering will not quell our rage.”
Hogwarts Legacy is set in the 1800s in the fictional world of magic created by JK Rowling in her best selling, never out of print seven book series that had delighted readers old and young around the globe. Previous to the new game’s ‘inclusive’ move, there were no transpeople in any of the IPs 43 billion dollar empire of books, films, games, and merchandise. “Hogwarts Legacy” is now available to purchase for $69.99.
“Go Woke, get broke!” Gelman yells. “Let’s hope that’s true this time as well.”

The game was independently developed by Avalanche Software and published under Warner Bros. Games’ Portkey Games label, which made a point to distance the game from the award-winning author.
“J.K. Rowling is not involved in the creation of the game,” the game’s official site proudly asserts. “While remaining true to J.K. Rowling’s original vision, Portkey game developers chart new territory by creating fresh ways for fans to immerse themselves in the Wizarding World.”