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Why Is Everyone Calling Christine Anderson a Vile Racist? Asks Boomer

Toby’s Right: Anti-semitism ain’t what old white men say it is

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I’m madder than a sausage vendor with flaccid sauerkraut over the way the Canadian media and government are sticking it to my hero German MP Christine Anderson.

Why just the other day as I was leaving the Calgary Petroleum Club, I had the pleasure of waving hello to sweet Christine. She didn’t see me, but I still count that as meeting a hero. Similar to the time I waved to Jordan B. Peterson, Conrad Black, and Tom Selleck (on the set of Three Men and a Baby II). 

Of course, my wife, Greta, was jealous and on the way for a post-freedom party bite at Arby’s I got an earful about flirting with smart, sexy European ladies. Sending the Arby’s waitress away, I explained to my lovely wife that I didn’t have a fetish for the Fatherland’s princess, but that I just admired her. The same way she admired the Canadian truckers, whom she stood up for during the Freedom Rally in Pyongyang (also known as Ottawa—ed).

You Are a Disgrace!

I’D TRUCK THAT! German politician turned Canadian hero for her open opposition to dictator Justin Trudeau is seeing no love from Canadian politicians and media. But she’s still Canada’s Sweetheart, according to GWU!s Toby P. Gelman.

I took out my wife’s phone, hooked into the Arby’s wifi, and then played Christine’s passionate speech last year to the EU. In it she cites the numerous human rights violations the son of Castro placed on Canadian citizens; including those who attended the Freedom Rally. These included freezing bank accounts, arresting people without cause, and enforcing mandates for mRNA gene therapy injections, which have since been proven to be neither safe nor effective. 

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Trudeau had been on a two-day romantic visit to Brussels with his girlfriend Mélanie Joly, when Christine unleashed her fury on Mister Prime Mister. Boldly telling the moist talker that he was a disgrace (no argument here—ed) and should not be able to speak in the European Parliament. Even Greta cracked a smile at the way Christine put that little schoolboy in his place. He had that stupid expression of a man-boy who just got bent over and spanked, which he did. Bam!!!

The next day, as the drinks and snacks marinated in petroleum oil swirled in my tummy, I woke up to learn from a “trusted” Canadian media source that I had waved to an “anti-Semite.” I couldn’t believe my eyes. As most of you know I don’t condone or support Anti-Semintism in any form. (Nor does GWU!—ed.) Well, I fired up my Lenovo Thinkpad and did a deep dive on Christine Anderson. 

All The News That’s Fit to the Narrative

I searched ABC’s Google, Google’s YouTube, Elon Musk’s Twitter, and Meta’s Facebook, but couldn’t find one thing about this so-called racist lady. I even called an old Podcast pal living in Eschwege, Germany, where Christine was from, and asked him to dig through the high school yearbooks. My Magnum PI style of sleuthing was all for naught, as I still was left empty handed. 

I called the newspaper and insisted that they had a terrible typo; the kind that could ruin someone’s life, but they didn’t seem to care. 

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Later, Greta showed me a bunch of Canadian newspapers that had written the same story. Pretty much word for word! Even the federal leader of the official opposition Pierre Poilievre started denouncing this woman and ordering his party faithful to do the same.

I felt like I was living in an alternative universe where everyone believed what they read and never questioned any of it. What is this!?! 2019, 2020, 2021 or 2022!?!

Was I missing something? I couldn’t comprehend why everyone had turned on my Heroisch Fräulein. The only thing I could conclude was that petty Ms Sissy Pants Trudeau had ordered his loyal sycophants to pounce on her. 

While my wife and others in the Calgary area were busy posting about how they didn’t know anything about Christine Anderson and they would never condone a vile anti-Semite, I decided to do the opposite. I posted on all the social media sites that I proudly pumped for Christine and that she could grab hold of and shake up this country any day. Needless to say, I’m now serving a seven-day suspension on social media and my wife is staying at her sister’s place. 

Auf Wiedersehen, Virtual Life!



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