Baby, It’s a Seasonal Cold Outside – Get Woke Up! with Mad Dug & Anthony

Mad Dug) How’s your crypto coin going Anthony?
Anthony) Well, with the possible coming economic downturn I’m looking at insulating my profits and moving some of my coin to something more stable. I’m looking at stable coin, realestate, gold-
Mad Dug) -Have you thought of Campbell Soup?
Anthony) Does it trade on Coinbase?
Mad Dug) Uh, no. Mostly at Loblaws.
Anthony) How is that a stable form of currency?
Mad Dug) Crypto experts are pointing to the fact that you can use cans of soup in a variety of different ways in an unstable market. In the event of a societal collapse you can consume it, you can trade or barter with it or you can use it to bludgend your neighbour to death.
Anthony) Uh, why would you want to bludgend your neighbour to death with a tin of Campbells soup?
Mad Dug) Duh, to get their crackers. (Woke Up Theme Song…)
As the COVID-19 Omicron variant, formerly known as the seasonal cold, wreaks havoc on long-term care facilities, debilitating some of the most immunocompromised octogenarians, Mad Dug and Anthony are back to unveil the devils behind the masked science.
Join the two wildest and craziest DJs on the Internet, as they go to Brandon, teach you how to use a digital wallet, and finally answer the age-old question: Who Really Is the Boss? (Ay-oh! Oh-ay!)
Plus Kevin and Karen invite the neighbours for dinner, Toby Gelman’s Year-in-Review, and DJ Pizza Boi Anderson delivers his greasy new hit single. All that and more on Woke Up!
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