America's #1 Newstainment Source

Toby P. Gelman

From his home in Moscow, Ohio, syndicated newspaper columnist, podcaster, father of six, husband to Greta, and author of the Johnny Jock PI series, Toby P. Gelman fights for truth, justice, and the American way. #1776!

Pardon the Gazaruption, says Boomer to Hamas Hipsters

I’m madder than a doctor without a passport at a border, over the way these woke Liberal leftists are blocking traffic, holding up banks,...

Am I Supposed to Stand with Israel or Lay with Mia Khalifa? Asks Boomer

Picture it: October 7, 1988, the day before the season four premiere of NBC’s chart topping comedy, The Golden Girls. I was a ghost...

Forgetting Yaroslav Hunka … but Never Forget Russell Brand

The recent move by YouTube/Google to demonetize truth teller Russell Brand is the latest example of a 1984-style tyrannical attack by the powers that...

Novelist John C.A. Manley Rewrites the COVID Narrative in Much Ado About Corona

While most of the world spent three years trying to flatten a two week curve, got spooked out on TV news infographics, took medical...

Get Your Rainbow Flavoured Sausage Out of My Ass, Says Boomer

I’m madder than a professional ball player being sent to the minors for boycotting stores that sexualize minors over the way the left are...