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Helping Kids Resist Woke Indoctrination: Ottawa Parents Unite

Parents helping children navigate the evils of DEI, CRT, LGBTQ and COVID messaging in new school year!!!

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Back-to-School planning has never been a more important time for the Jones family than now. After spending the summer camping, road tripping, and visiting family in rural Nova Scotia, Derek Jones has been spending the rest of the summer teaching his children how to avoid the woke indoctrination that he worries they’ll be bombarded with this school year. 

And with school starting this week, it’s crunch time for the 45-year-old father of three!

“Last year, we saw the beginnings of something evil, but I predict that it’s only going to get worse.”

That’s why Jones along with a handful of other parents in Ottawa have gotten together to help educate their children and others about the dangers of DEI, CRT, LGBTQ and COVID messaging in the new school year. 

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“We’ve been getting together a few evenings during August to go over what the school may try to force our children into complying with.”

Parents Are Board Of Gender Ideology In The Classroom

Built to Last: Freedom lover Billboard Chris has been traveling throughout North America preaching his gospel on the dangers of allowing gender identity to take over our schools. Often met with open arms, Chris admits he has had some fist-a-cuffs with mentally ill men who think they’re women.

For example, Jones has told his two daughters that males are not under any circumstance allowed in a girls’ change room or washroom. “Basically, if this happens I’ve told them to report it to the principal and then me.” 

Despite a recent Ottawa School Board motion that says otherwise, Jones has vowed that he will go to the Supreme Court if the school continues to allow males to expose themselves to his daughters and other innocent minors. 

“My kids are well aware that common sense is out the window at their school. And I’m not just talking about the Pride flag outside of it.”

It’s become so bad in public schools that some parents in Peel Region, a suburb of Toronto, are claiming that teachers are now required to clean out litter boxes for those students who identify as a feline (now that’s what I call being pussy whipped—ed).

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Woke Pull Down: With woke indoctrination on the rise in public schools parents are mapping out resistance.

Shirley Ransom, a neighbor of Jones, is glad that she’s found other parents who share her traditional values in the community meetings. “Last year my son’s teacher told him to reveal his pronouns to the class. This is something that I don’t think should be forced on any student, let alone a human being.”

Shirley says that the children are learning when to say no and even when to get up and leave the classroom. 

“There will be zero compliance from my son when the zealots start pushing gender garbage, masking, climate change, and socialism. He has my permission to tell anyone trying to indoctrinate him to get bent.” 

Both Jones and Ransom vow that they’ll continue attending meetings despite chilly fall evenings. “I’ve already had a few calls from curious parents who want to come check us out,” adds Jones. 

Here’s a list of some of the group’s key points:

  • Refuse to wear a mask. Remember, masks can’t work on a virus that doesn’t exist.
  • Your child is not racist nor are they guilty of ‘cultural genocide.’
  • Ask your children what happens in the classroom and how many gender charts are on the blackboard (can we still say blackboard?—ed)
  • Don’t accept bunk science like Climate Change as gospel. St. Greta has performed zero miracles!
  • Don’t be afraid to challenge your students’ teacher or school board. Remember, they work for you. (Well, 9 months of the year, anyway—ed)


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