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Canada’s 10 Most Hated Politicians (6-10)

Public trust of politicians in Canada is at an all-time low according to a recent super scientific Twitter survey

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You’ll be surprised who made the list!

Public trust of politicians in Canada is at an all-time low according to a recent Twitter survey. After years of gas lighting the public with constantly changing covid restrictions, the demonization of differing viewpoints and the extreme intolerance of anything non-woke has led many to despise politicians. But just why do so many Canadians hate their elected officials? Get Woke Up! with our breakdown.

10. John Tory

Stats: Former head of Rogers Communications, two-terms as mayor of Canada’s largest and most hated city. 

Nicknames: John Snoory and John “don’t touch my hair” Tory

Platform: Part-time vaccine salesman, part-time woke ambassador

Claim to Fame: He infamously dispatched 100 police officers on horseback to crush a BBQ restaurant that defied municipal covid lockdown orders.

If Re-elected: In the name of inclusion and diversity Tory vows to rename the Canadian National Exhibition to the Malcolm X.

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9. Dr. Eileen de Villa 

Stats: Toronto Chief Medical Officer of Health

Nicknames: The Scarf that Ate Toronto

Platform: A psychologist who has deployed various guilt tripping mind games to push the unscientific COVID-19 control measures such as: My mask keeps you safe, your mask keeps me safe, among other physiological psycho babbling.

Claim to Fame: After the province opened up the schools in 2020 citing the need for kids to be in school she sneakily undermined the Ontario Ministry of Education and ordered a ‘Section 22’ Health Closure on Toronto schools at the behest of the teachers unions. 

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If Re-elected: de Villa is appointed, not elected. Just like how she was grown in a pod rather than born.

8. François Legault 

Stats: Premier of Quebec, from the Coalition Avenir Québec, marking the end of nearly 50 years of Liberal and Parti Québécois rule in the province.

Nicknames: Flip Flop François and Bela Lugosi 

Platform: Passed the long-awaited secularism bill, which outlawed public workers in positions of authority from wearing religious symbols, except, of course, masks. 

Claim to Fame: Legault introduced curfews to the province, assuming that cold and flu viruses have bedtimes. Of course, this did nothing to stop the spread, but even worse than a virus he tanked thousands of Quebec jobs and businesses in the process. 

If Re-elected: He looks a bit like a vampire. A lot like a vampire. Hmmm. Could he actually be trying to save his people, from himself with the whole curfew thing? Either way, this guy bites!

7. Chrystia Freeland 

Stats: Deputy Prime Minister/Part time Finance Minister

Nicknames: Twitchy

Platform: Former journalist and annoyed mom reminding you about your laundry, Freeland initiated the brazen and unjustified freezing of Ottawa Freedom Rally protestors bank accounts. She did this when the Trudeau government overstepped with its ‘one day’ War Measures enactment.

Claim to Fame: When she’s not jet setting around Europe fighting ‘Facism’ she sits on the board of the WEF (totally not the New World Order!) which is calling for increased global democratic governance … under a new world order. 

If Re-elected: Freeland promises two cars in every garage that you can’t afford to fill with gas or the magical new innovation of electricity.

6. Dr. Theresa Tam 

Stats: Canadian Chief Medical Officer of Health

Nicknames: Terrance Tam 

Platform: The right hand man of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Tam was front and center for the daily televised ‘fear briefings’ where he would dictate what Canadians could and could not do during the pandemic.

Claim to Fame: At the height of the pandemic in 2020 Tam gave politicians all the social distance maneuvering they needed to join marches and rallies in support of BLM so they could take a knee for the camera of social justice. Why? Science! 

If Re-elected: Will continue to push vaccine mandates, despite the vaccine being developed for a variant that expired two years earlier. (Also, not elected, but does that even matter?) 

Check out numbers 5 to 1.


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