2024 Election

Breaking the Narrative — Newsletter

The Get Woke Up! April 2023 Newsletter

A Government-Funded Temper Tantrum! The Hangover Part III (they've already done three—ed), err, we mean IV was how April felt when Dylan Mulvaney, who GWU!, profiled last month,...

The Get Woke Up! March 2023 Newsletter – Demolishing the Agenda in 15 Minutes or Less

Busting B-Ballers It was a full court press during March Woke Madness, as once again the GWU! staff slam dunked on everybody’s favourite culture war....

The Get Woke Up! February 2023 Newsletter – Made In China Invasion

Black in the Saddle Fulfilling our CRTC Bill C-11 Black History Month mandate (and future grant writing proposals), the GWU! team rolled out the red carpet for ‘Black-only’ Theatre Nights in...

The Get Woke Up! January 2023 Newsletter – Let’s Get Reflexxive!

Let's Get Reflexxive! It may be a cold dark Winter of Death: Part II in the political narrative, but over at the Get Woke Up! offices the excitement was...

The Get Woke Up! December 2022 Newsletter – Countdown to Freedom!!!

Happy New Year, loyal readers! Old acquaintances may be forgot, but let’s always remember to bookmark or, better yet, subscribe to getwokeup.com.  Our major announcement this month...

The Get Woke Up! November 2022 Newsletter – Elf Unshelfed!!!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, as Blitzen DJs Mad Dug and Anthony of the Woke Up! podcast released a brand new interview with...

The Get Woke Up! September 2022 Newsletter – Woke Madness Rundown!!

The election of Pierre Poilievre, as leader of the Conservative Party, set up a grand slam of stories in the Get Woke Up! bullpen....

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