America's #1 Newstainment Source

Fighting The Culture Bores

Oprah’s Favorite Thing on her Christmas Wishlist is to sell out

Like the return of the seasonal 'plague' of COVID-19 Oprah’s Favorite Things is here. The former daytime television host and current Hawaii fire sale...

Merry Christhamas!!!

I don’t know about y’all but Xmas is always the worst time of year for me. The consumerism. The cringe family get togethers. The...

Vivek Ramaswamy Drains the Swamp Live on X

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy left his phone mic on while taking a leak live on an X Space during a conversation with Elon...

Majority of People Don’t Trust MSM News

How well do you trust the mainstream media? GWU! asked its readers in a random controlled study.  “Zero. They’re in it for the clicks, or...

Will A&W Go Woke?

Fast food restaurant A&W, known for its wholesome small town charm and loveable ‘Burger Family’ is struggling in a post-Covid, recession economy. The 103-year-old...

The Ugliest Women on the Left

Recently, GWU! polled our readers to countdown the ultimate list of the most-based babes of FREEDOM. Despite the MEGA popularity of the list that...

5 Ways to Support MCU Film The Marvels Without Paying to See It

Like most of y’all, the cost of living crisis has hit me hard. It’s gotten so bad that I’ve had to sell my Funko...

Celebrity Demonology: Which demon has possession of who?

The Devil is in the details as to the secret of these celebs' success. Literally! According to Occult scholar Dr. William Van many of the successful movers and shakers in entertainment, business and politics are covertly in league or cahoots with powerful demons.  

Tradwife Estee C. Williams Tell All

Estee C. Williams, 25, has the secret recipe for how to be a perfect wife and according to the popular social media star it’s...

Going to War for Palestine Against the Terminally Online

After a brief period of intense soul searching, I have finally decided on what flag I’ll be putting in my X bio. It seems...

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