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Monkey Business

Top 5 Political Playbook Betting Odds

Odds are that 2024 will be the wildest years for political upsets, and we've got all the hits and misses!

The War on Children Is a Real Food Fight

In the War on Children one mother testifies that she knew her daughter was "trans" because she liked to eat green veggies!

Senseless with No Sensibility in new race swapped films

The classic Jane Austen love story Sense and Sensibility is back ... and Black! Following an insane Hollywood race swapping trend.

OBITUARY: Death of GWU! Columnist Doreen Trudeau not caused by vaccine: Experts

Doreen Trudeau passed away in Boca Raton, Florida, in late January while cycling to work.

6 People Trump May Lock Up To Make America Great Again

Making America great again: Celebrities, politicians and dissidents may be finding a new home behind bars once Trump takes back his country!

Elmo Canceled After Monster Meltdown on Live TV!

Larry David strangled Elmo on NBC's Today Show after the puppet advocated for mental health and vaccinations, sparking controversy.

Say: ‘I Love you’, with a Donald Trump Valentine’s Day Card

Say: ‘I Love you’, with a Donald Trump Valentine’s Day card: “It’s going to be the biggest Valentine's Day ever with these amazing cards. Believe me ladies, it’s going to be absolutely tremendously enormous.” - Donald J. Trump.

‘Lazy Girl’ Job Now Identifies As He/Him ‘Lazy Boy’

William Bossy, once fired for refusing a vaccine, embraced "lazy girl jobs" for work-life balance, starting the trend "Bros. Before Workplace-Clothes."

TV Networks panic to rush garbage woke shows to screens

TV networks panic to rush garbage woke shows to screens: Classic sitcoms get woke rejig after writers’ strike.

7 Anne of Green Gables Novels Going Woke!

With the news of the historic Anne of Green Gables tourist site in Prince Edward Island, Canada, going woke to satisfy the demands of...

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