America's #1 Newstainment Source


Chris Sky Will Be the Next Mayor of Toronto: Says Boomer

In 1988, after being fired from the third season as an uncredited writer on ALF, I moved to Toronto. At the time, they were...

Striking Writers Judge Woke Scripts Can Save Hollywood

As I stand united with the working class Hollywood hero scribes (from behind my keyboard) I worry over what improvised toxic garbage will take...

A Mostly Dead Woke Reimagining of The Princess Bride is Inconceivable

I'd like to share with you the book my father read to me when I was sick. I'm still sick, of course, we all...

Woke Scripts Are The Only Way to Save The Movies From Fans

The absurd claim that woke Hollywood properties aren’t making money and that’s why studios and executives are pulling back from the light veers dangerously...

CBC Choked on its Own BS: Says Boomer

The other day, I went to pay my $8 monthly Twitter subscription and learned that I had insufficient funds. I’m sure we’ve all been...

Anti-Vaxxer Actors Need to Hit the DVD Bargain Bin, Say Karen & Kevin

Dear Karen and Kevin, I’m an avid movie collector. I have over 3000 DVDs, BluRays and even some LaserDiscs. But I’m finding it harder and...

How I Will Save Hollywood From Anti-Woke Haters: Part 1

The roaring successes of the universally loved and critically acclaimed Star Wars sequel trilogy and Phase 4 of the M-SHE-U, (two obscure franchises which...

Anti-vaxxer Steve Kirsch Offered Me $100,000 to Take Off My Mask!

Readers of GWU! were no doubt cheering on anti-vaxxer Steve Kirsch’s recent tweet where he bragged about offering someone $100,000 to take their mask...

The Cancellation of a High School Teacher

I decided to become a public-school teacher in part for job security, which is ironic in light of my recent dismissal for saying the...

Why Is Everyone Calling Christine Anderson a Vile Racist? Asks Boomer

I'm madder than a sausage vendor with flaccid sauerkraut over the way the Canadian media and government are sticking it to my hero German...

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