Opinion – Toby's Right

Why Is Everyone Calling Christine Anderson a Vile Racist? Asks Boomer

I'm madder than a sausage vendor with flaccid sauerkraut over the way the Canadian media and government are sticking it to my hero German...

It’s Time to Take Back Black-Only Nights with Boomer-Only Nights, Says Boomer

Love is in the air, friends! To make this Valentine’s Day special, I decided to take my beautiful Liberal voting wife to the community theatre....

Who the Hell Is This Anonymous Guy, Anyway? Asks Boomer

I'm madder than a ghost being exorcized from a house they spent 25 years paying the mortgage on over the way like-minded individuals like...

Rita Hayworth and Toby Gelman’s Unvaccinated Redemption

I’m more busted up than Rita Hayworth hanging on the wall of a dirty prison cell over the way me and my unvaccinated pals...

Je Suis Kyrie Irving, Says Boomer

The other night, during a bout of insomnia, I was watching Rambo III— the 80s film classic. I was impressed by the acting, the...

Just Stop Oil Climate Activists Are Painting a Horrible Picture, Says Boomer

I’m more diced up than Van Gogh’s earlobe over the way the climate change cuckoos are destroying priceless works of art with their lunch...

Cancelling Thanksgiving and Other Colonial Holidays

I’m madder than a dirty bird in need of a clean over the way the woke are washing us of our days of significance,...

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