America's #1 Newstainment Source


7 Anne of Green Gables Novels Going Woke!

With the news of the historic Anne of Green Gables tourist site in Prince Edward Island, Canada, going woke to satisfy the demands of...

WEF Round Up: Yemen in Women’s Sports and COVID Cold Shoulders!

What is a woman, the Red Sea, and COVID were final day topics at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Thank Klaus that I...

Day 2: Volodymyr Zelensky Passes the Hat at WEF

Out of this world climate warriors, Ukrainian grifters, and high-priced hookers is basically the Davos’ World Economic Forum’s biome. But I digress, I came...

Day 1: Klaus Schwab No Show at WEF

Klaus Schwab bailed on the Day 1 Meet and Greet at TGI Freitags, that’s basically the Swiss/German version of Applebees. I had a seat...

Alex Jones NWO Wars Video Game Plays to Win

Alex Jones is gaming the New World Order in his new video game NWO Wars. As the controversial host of the popular conspiracy theory talk...

10 Political Costumes To Not Be Caught Dead In!

For regular folks figuring out a Halloween costume for the annual office Halloween party can be a worrisome drag—especially with all the modern day...

Top 6 Items on The NWO Food World Order

GWU! recently barfed out the secret menu of the new Agenda 21 themed NYC restaurant, Soylent Greens. If your goal to save the planet...

Agenda 21 NYC Cockroach Restaurant Menu Exposed!

A wacky new Williamsburg restaurant in Brooklyn is transitioning its organic menu to align with the UN’s insane so-called environmental sustainability goals of Agenda...

Chris Sky Will Be the Next Mayor of Toronto: Says Boomer

In 1988, after being fired from the third season as an uncredited writer on ALF, I moved to Toronto. At the time, they were...

Twitter Stars Before and After COVID

With Sleepy Joe Biden dismantling his COVID response task force, the world is finally ready to accept that the pandemic is over. (We’ve been...

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