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Climate Change Crazy Mum Defends Exotic Trip

Cook family burned in op-ed as they become the Internet's most roasted hams!!

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School Strike 4 Climate organizer Izzy Cook of New Zealand may be the Internet’s newest whipping post, but at least her mum still loves her.

An on air recording of high school student Izzy went viral after she both admitted that travelling to Fiji was bad for the environment, and seconds later confessed that she recently went on a vacation to Fiji. In Izzy’s defense, however, the high school student did say that her mum made her go on the trip.

During the interview, conducted by Heather du Plessis-Allan—a popular New Zealand television journalist and show host for the Drive Show on Newstalk ZB—Izzy, the Kiwi version of Greta Thunberg, sounded hypocritical, nonsensical, and rather daft. In other words, she sounded like everyone from the Woke Left.

But the on-air roasting by the New Zealand shock jock didn’t end there, after Izzy’s mum,  Rose Cook, attempted to chastise the DJ in an op-ed for Spin-off, a local snowflake current affairs and pop culture website. 

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“Any good parent should always come to their child’s side,” says a tenured Columbia School of Journalism professor. “Even if their child sounds like a total idiot on a nationally syndicated radio show.”

Organic Apple Doesn’t fall far from the tree

Our Colombian prof says that Rose Cook went beyond protective parent territory and flew into a cringey rant when she wrote: “The irony here is that Izzy didn’t even want to come (to Fiji). She wanted to stay home and study and hang out with her friends. She’s a teenager! But, selfishly, I insisted, because I wanted to spend this time with her.”

The matriarchal Cook went on to bake up a whole lot of climate change mumbo jumbo to prove her point in defense of her hypocritical offspring. ”Commentators like du Plessis-Allan,” wrote the electric helicopter mom virtue signaller, “don’t give a shit about climate change. They don’t care that Arctic ice is melting at four times the expected rate, or that we are seeing more and more extreme weather events killing and displacing people across the globe.” 

Talk about throwing everything into the melting pot! Enjoy your mulligan stew, wokesters!   

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GRETA GRIP: Students around the world are following the gospel according to Scandinavian lunatic Greta Thunberg, instead of the actual science, which over and over again disputes the climate change agenda. Kids, will they ever learn!

School Strike 4 Climate, also known as Fridays for Future, has become celebrated around the world by students, who are “worried about the climate” despite having little to no evidence to prove the pseudoscience is real. Despite that, however, the North American mainstream media is delighted to cover the “cause” religiously. 

“Remember,” adds our honest as an oak J-school prof. “This is the same media that failed to cover any protests over Covid-19 mandates or the farmer protests in Europe. Can we trust them? I say: ‘Not on your mother’s life!’”


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