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Conspiracy theory of Indigenous school mass murder is out of order!!! 

Judge rules Canadians are being deliberately deceived by Trudeau and the legacy media

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Canadians are being “deliberately deceived by their own government,” accuses a retired judge.

In a recent article from The Western Standard, the outraged adjudicator lambasted Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of gaslighting the truth and actively pursuing a policy that blames the Catholic Church for the unproven deaths and secret burials of indigenous children in residential schools.

“The Trudeau Liberals have actively pursued a policy that has both encouraged, and then kept alive a conspiracy theory—namely, that residential school priests, nuns, and teachers were responsible for the deaths and secret burials of the children placed in their care,” wrote retired Manitoba judge Brian Giesbrecht.

“The indigenous leadership has exploited an obviously false claim—pocketing a mountain of tax dollars, while our moribund mainstream media sits in silence,” jeered the judge.

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Giesbrecht was blunt in his attack on the corrupt government subsidized media and Trudeau Liberals which he says have fomented violence against Christians by repeatedly pushing the false narrative that the Catholic Church is complicit in the deaths of thousands of indigenous children who attended government-mandated residential schools. 

Canadian indigenous residential schools, run by the Catholic Church and other Christian groups, were set up by the federal government and were open from the late 19th century until 1996. While there have been proven abuses and cases of wrongdoing the government’s own 2008 Truth and Reconciliation Royal Commission Report also found instances of positive results from the system that attempted to integrate and help indigenous peoples as best as possible given historical context.  

Burning Down The Truth

More than 100 churches, most of them Catholic (many serving Indigenous communities—ed) have been burned to the ground or vandalized in Canada since the spring of 2021. At the time, the now disproven claim that ground penetrating radar indicated hundreds of children’s bodies were buried beneath abandoned schools took hold of public attention.

The claim that the children were sadistically murdered by evil priests and nuns led to public displays of collective guilt that included candlelight vigils, placing children’s shoes on the stairs of legislatures, and the forced wearing of orange T-shirts at schools. 

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No body of evidence

But since that time not a single ‘secret gravesite’ has been found let alone any mass graves containing human remains while mountains of cash have been dumped into government slush funds and Indigenous guilt hustlers pockets.   

“Canadians are being deliberately deceived by their own government, the indigenous leadership, and our own media,” the judge cautioned.

He observed that the “false” claims made by the government and media have turned the truth “upside down.”

“Lewis Carroll wrote about an upside down world in Alice in Wonderland,” he wrote. “He would immediately understand what is happening in Canada today.”

The truth, says the judge, is that historical records “clearly show” that “the children who died of disease or accident while attending residential school were all given Christian burials, with their deaths properly recorded.”

“Most were buried by their families in their home communities. In short, there is no historical evidence that even one residential school student died under sinister circumstances, or was buried in secrecy.”
Giesbrecht is one of the few public officials in the country to call out the lie that he has repeatedly denounced as a “conspiracy theory.”

One proponent of the tinfoil hat theory includes socialist NDP MP Leah Gazan, who recently introduced a new bill with the aim of criminalizing so-called ‘Residential School denialism’ or any claim that there was not a ‘genocide’ of the indigenous peoples in Canada.

The Trudeau government is currently at work expanding on a multimillion-dollar fund geared toward documenting claims that hundreds of young children died and were secretly buried at now-closed residential schools.


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